Gally for @penguins_fly

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"Be careful!" I called to my brother Thomas as he went over to a friends house. "I will, don't worry!" He said, getting into his car. "Still gonna worry!" He laughed and drove off.

That night, Gally, my boyfriend of 7 months, came over and we Netflix and Chilled. He left just a few minutes before Thomas came back.

"Hey tommy," I said from the couch. "Hey, how was your night?" He asked, putting his coat up. "Good. I finished season 4 of Dr. Who." I said, smiling happily. "Good for you, sis," he said, patting my head.

"Don't touch my hair," I said, looking up at him. He chuckled softly and held his hands up in defense. "Okay okay, calm down. It's just a prank," he said, jokingly.

"Night!" He said, walking up the stairs. "Bye-bye Thomas!" I called back. He looked at me like I was mad, and I probably was, then just went up to his room.

A few minutes later I went to bed myself, and when I got up there I saw Gally, sitting in my desk chair. "What are you doing here?! Thomas is right over there!" I said in a low whisper, pointing the the room next to me.

"So? If I'm quiet enough he won't hear me," Gally said in a low voice. I shook my head before smiling softly. "You're absolutely crazy!" I said to him, softly so Thomas wouldn't hear.

"Maybe, but I'm absolutely crazy about you," he said, smirking. He knew I would blush, and I did. "Just, make sure you leave before morning." I told him, getting in the bed and snuggling up next to him. "It's warm already," I said, snuggling my cold body towards his warm one.

We went to sleep, with me listening to his heart beat and him playing with my hair.

"Wake up! Wake up!" A voice told me. When I awoke all I saw was a black figure at the end of my bed. "What are you?" I asked it. "I am nothing, and everything." It replied. "What? What do you mean?" I asked, moving closer to my headboard. "Oh, don't be afraid, after all, why would you be scared of your own mother?"

It asked as my mothers face appeared. "Mom? Is it really you?" Her face nodded. "Yes darling, it's me," it said as the thing crept closer to me. "Oh mom!" I said, then my mothers face disappeared and something of my worst nightmares appeared.

"How could you?! HOW COULD YOU! YOU LEFT US FOR DEAD! YOU DIDN'T CARE ANYMORE! SO GO BURN IN HELL!!" A strained voice yelled at me.

I woke up screaming, shooting up in my bed. Gally looked at me worriedly, just as Thomas ran in. "What's wro-" then his eyes landed on Gally. He came over and pulled Gally out of the bed and slammed his against the wall.

"What the shuck are you doing in here?! With my sister?!" He asked, rage in his voice. "Thomas let him go," I told him. "Why?!" He yelled at Gally. "Because I love her," Gally told him.

"What?" Thomas and I both said. "I. Love. Her." Gally told him again. Thomas backed away from him. Then looked over at me. Looking for something. All I could do was stare. 'He.. He loves me?' I thought.

Thomas walked over to him again, and stared in straight in the eyes. "If you even dare hurt her, I will make sure your death is long a fun painful. Understand?" He told him. Gally nodded nervously and Thomas said one more thing. "Oh and if you try anything tonight, you won't see the morning," he threatened. Then left the room.

Gally looked at me.

"I love you too Gally."

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