Newtfor @Newtie_my_Cutie

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You know that feeling when you meet someone and think 'I'm gonna marry this person one day'. That's how it was for Newt and myself.

When we first met we just stared at each other before Minho yelled "Just kiss already!" We both smiled and laughed, as did everyone else. And from that day on, my feelings for him only grew. You know what? I think he feels the same about me. I mean, I hope he does. So yeah, that's my back story. Now back to the real one!

It's been almost 3 months since I came up in the box. I love it here in the glade, well, sometimes. Minho, Thomas, Chuck and Newt are my besties. Although I really want Newt to be more. Everyone knows that except for Newt. Personally I don't know if he ever will. But, today I'm not focusing on that. Right now I have to focus on pulling weeds with him and not blushing, again.

"Cassie, you okay there?"he asks.
"Y-yeah, why do you ask?" I say, my eyes widening for a split moment. "You looked like you were about to puke." He said. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked, looking at me with madly worried eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine Newtie." I say, looking at him with a smile.

"Cassie! Come here for a sec!" Alby yells at me when Newt opens his mouth. I get up and go over to him, "what today Albes?" I ask him. "Two things.

1. Don't call me Albes.

2. You need to go and help Gally."

He says, a bored expression on his face. "Why me? Why not Newt or someone?" I ask him, adding a little whin in my voice. "Don't question me and go." He said before turning and waking away. "I hate helping Gally." I mumble, groaning and walking over to Mr. Over Used Anger Issues.

When I got there he looked at me. "What do you want?" He said bitterly, hammering down a nail. "Alby said I have to help you with something." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Yeah, see that screwdriver over there? Hand it to me." He said, not looking away from the board. I walk over and see two. I take a chance, and sadly the screwdriver I choose was wrong. He looked down at me and glared.

"That's the wrong one you shank." He said, his teeth gritted. I start to shake and back away towards the door. "I-I'm sorry G-Gally.." I said, my voice shaking as I spoke. "That's not excuse." He said, his expression growing darker. "G-Gally. Please c-calm down.." I say, putting my hands up. He just walked closer to me and I ran out.

I ran to the one person who I knew would protect me, since Thomas and Minho were out in the maze. Newt. Sadly, I wasn't faster than Gally and he pinned me down to the ground, the screwdriver in hand. I gulped and thrashed around. "P-please..." I said, tears in my eyes and his hand went across my face. He raised his hand and I shut my eyes, waiting for the impact. But I never felt it. I opened my eyes to see Newt, holding his wrist, anger seen in his eyes easily.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" He asked through gritted teeth. "What are you gonna do about it? Lover Boy." Gally taunted. Newt pulled him off of me and Alby was apparently right behind him. So Alby grabbed Gally and dragged him to the slammer. Newt turned his attention to me and gently pulled me to a stand position in which I fell down again because Gally nearly crushed me.

Newt then scooped me into his arms, bridal style, and took me into the deadheads where he placed me down on a rock. He gently took my jaw into his hand to examine my face. He only saw a bruise so he put the back of his hand on it gently. "Are you alright?" He asked in a soft voice. "I'm fine Newt, really." I say, placing my hand on top of his.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I say, taking his hand off of my face. He suddenly got really quiet. He face got kinda red and his breathing got somewhat irregular. "Newtie? Are you okay?" I ask him. He gives me a small nod and chuckle answering. "Uh...actually... I uh... Wanted to tell you something.." He said, suddenly stuttering.

And I know, when he stutters, things just got serious. I look at him. "Tell me." I say softly. "I uh...wanted to say..." He takes a deep breath.


Ever since I met you, you turned my whole world upside down. I didn't imagine someone as beautiful, amazing and wonderful as you could change me so much as you have. You're my best friend but I really want to be more. I want to be the one to comfort you if you wake up screaming from a nightmare. I want to be the one to hold your hand and tell you everything is going to be okay. I want to be the one to protect you from shanks like Gally. I want to be the one who gets the chance to say "stay away from my girl." And I'm hoping, hoping with every fiber in my being, that you'll let me. So,

Cassie, will you do me the honor of saying you'll be mine?" He asks me, looking at me with sincere, hoping, and nervous eyes. I smile at him and take his shaking hands in mine.

"Any day." I say as he smiled back, letting out the breath he was holding. He smiled and kisses me.

It's the sweetest kiss and only kiss I've ever had. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I snaked my arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss into a passion, loving one. His tongue ran across my lower lip, asking for entrance. He didn't have to ask twice before I parted my lips and his tongue slipped into my mouth. Our tongues fighting for a moment before he took control and explored every part of my mouth, leaving no part untouched. I moaned softly into the kiss and felt him smirk against my lips. He deepened the kiss again and lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he gently pushed me against a tree. My head facing down while his faced up.

I broke the kiss in desperate need of air.we both were panting softly and he pressed his forehead to mine. He gently kisses my nose. "I can't believe I just kissed you." He said with a smile. "Well you did. But I do have a question for you." I say, him looking at me. "Anything for you, princess." He says.

"Shall we continue where we left off?"

"Let's." And he connected our lips again, smiling automatically.
@Newtie_my_Cutie I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry this is nearly 2 mouths later. I am truly sorry and have no excuse to use here. I hope you like it. I really hope it meets expectations.

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