Newt for twohearts_beat15

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"Autumn! The bus is about to leave!" My mother called to me. "Coming! Coming!" I said, hurrying down our stair case. I grabbed my breakfast drink, my bag, and my coat, and ran out of the door. "Wait!" I called to the bus driver as he was closing the door.

The door reopened and I got on the bus. I sat down next to my best friend, Summer. Ironic huh? "Autumn, did you over sleep again?" She asked, moving her stuff as I sat down. "Yeah, my stupid alarm clock didn't work. Again," I say, sighing softly. "Use your phone," She suggests.

"Maybe I'll try that tonight," Then as the next stop came the boy I hated with a great passion. Newt. As he walked by I may have tripped him. Oops. He just glared at me while I smiled innocently. Summer hit my arm and it hurt!

"Ow!" I say, rubbing where she hit. "Don't trip people. Even if you hate them!" She said. "Yes, mother," I say. "Don't call me mother!" She says, slightly offended. "Hehe," I said, giggling. "Just don't trip people," She says. "Fine!" I say.

"Today we will be doing an experiment. I have picked partners for you all so listen for your name," Mr. Adams says. As he begins reading off the names I hear my name. "Autumn and Newt," We look at each other with such a hatred look. "Get with your partner!" He calls out to us.

"You have three weeks to creat a dystopian world, and a back story of it." Everyone begins talking except for us. "Well?" I ask. "What?" He says, finally looking at me. "Never mind," I say, sighing. "What?" He asked again. "Nothing. Can we just get started?" I ask, irritated.

3 weeks later ~

Newt and I were in class, nervous and fidgeting in our seats. "And our last group, Newt and Autumn,"Mr. Adams said. We slowly walk up to the front of the class.

"Our Utopia started perfect, just in their vision. But as the years went on something in leadership shifted. They became corrupted and they took the lives of thousands of children. They tested this theory that children are able to withstand pain longer at the ages of 5-7 rather than 10-18. As the tests went on, the people rebelled against them."

"The rebellion went on until the leaders decided that is was time to finally stop. So, in such, they dropped a disease that spread like wildfire. But, when that happened, at the same time, they got the disease as well. Then only a selected few were trusted to find the cure through experimenting."

I explained. The class clapped, and surprisingly stood. "A+." Mr. Adams said.

After school newt came up to me and hugged me. "You did great!" He said, twirling me in the air. "So did you!" I said, giggling and holding on to his arms. "Hey, me and some friends are going out to celebrate. Wanna come?" He asks. "Sure, I'd love to," I said, smiling.

We all went to a fancy restaurant. I sat next to Newt, and across from Thomas and Minho. "So, how's you guys do on your project?" Thomas asked. "We got an A," Newt answered. "Nice," Minho said, taking a bite of a bread roll. "How about you two?" I asked the boys.

"What do you think? This one kept falling asleep everything we tried to study." Thomas said, pointing to Minho. "Hey! I didn't fall asleep every time!"he said, offended. "Fine. Not every time, but most of the time," He said, smirking. "Hush child," Minho said, placing his hand over Thomas's mouth.

Newt and I both broke out laughing. "No bloody PDA Minho," Newt teased. "Newt!" Thomas said, blushing softly. "Thomas, you're blushing," I teased. Getting laughs from the boys. "Hush you small child," He said. "I'm not small!" I said, half shouting half not. "Oh yeah? How tall are you?" He asked, smirking.

I glared at him. "Shut up," I said, blushing softly. "My point exactly," Thomas says triumphantly. "Thomas, hush," I said, gently knocking the side of his head. "Ow!" He said, gripping the side that I hit. Minho and Newt both stifled their laughs.

"You all are evil," Thomas said, only glaring at me. "Rude!" I said, in a mocking way. "Hush!" He said, widening his eyes at my in a really weird way. I scooted away a little, towards Newt. They all burst out laughing, Minho even saying something inaudible. I pouted playfully and folded my arm.

Newt put his hand on my head and smiled at me. "Aww, she's being shy!" He said, a sly smirk forming in his face. "Shut up!" I said, embarrassed. He laughed once more and patted my head.

After we ordered and ate, we four left and walked around. At least until Thomas and Minho both had to leave because they had some things to do, but in all honesty, I think they just went to make-out.

"So, where would you like to go now?" Newt asked, looking down at me. "Hm, why don't we just walk around a little," I suggested. "Okay then," he said, smiling. And what I think was blushing.

"So, what's been happening in your life?" I asked as we passed a Gap Store. "My little sister made it into All-District Band. She was really happy," he said, a smile forming on his face. "What does she play?" I asked, curiously.

"Trumpet," he said proudly. "Aww. What grade is she in?"

We got into some family stories about when we were younger and he was so cute. Once he said that when he went to Disney Land, he got lost and clung to Mickey until his family came and got him. (A/N: Can't you just imagine a young Newt getting lost and clinging to Mickey like a 3 year old? Wouldn't that be so cute?)

He walked me home when 11 pm came around. Thankfully, my mother didn't mind that I got back home late. "This was fun, maybe we can do this again?" He asked nervously. "Yeah, I'd like that," I answered, smiling softly at him.

"Next time, it'll be just us two." He said, smiling confidently and walked away, leaving me at my front door, a blushing mess.

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