Newt for @SugarcubeSangster

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[Story time after the imagine!]

3rd POV

Let's just say for times sake you have many admirers in the Glade. Including Gally. (even though he would never admit it.) But the two most noticeable were Newt and Minho. They always seemed to compete for you.

Alby had to give you his room just to keep their hormones in their pants. And no, get dirty things out of your head. But everyone wanted to be able to say you were theirs. And now even Newt and Minho, who were probably the only people in the Glade you actually wanted to date, were taking things to the extreme.

Durning the day, since you were a runner, Minho would often give you cheesy pick-up lines, sometimes dirty ones, but you always acted like you didn't know what they meant.

However, when you worked with Newt, which was very rare, he always made you laugh with cute antics or just his clumsiness alone. Which made his feel proud.

And he and Minho would constantly have 'fights' for you. But without fists, which is really awesome because if they did have a fist fight, they'd have a better chance of getting killed. Although it often did have problems rise.

Your POV

"Come on! Hurry slowpoke!" Minho yelled at me. "Well if you'd let me if hurry!" I snapped back. "Jeez, what's your problem?" He asked. I only glared at him more. "Okay okay. Don't bite my head off there," he said, slowing down next to me. "What's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately," he said, stopping completely.

"I'm just tried Minho, don't start worrying. Now come on, or we'll be stuck out here," I said, running ahead of him. 'Am I okay?' I thought to myself.

Once we got back, I went straight into dinning hall, and sat down next to Newt, who gave me a plate of food. "Thanks," I says before taking a bite of the bread. "What's with you?" Chuck asked, worry sensible in his voice. "I'm just a little tired Chuck, no need to worry," I assured him, and Newt, and everyone else at the table.

They went on about their night, laughing and having a good time. "Hey! C'mon over here!" Gally said to me. I walked over to him, "what now klankers?" I asked.

Gally and his little group of builders smirked at me and said. "Guess who likes you," Gally said.

"No one likes me," I told him firmly. "I'd beg to differ," he said, giving his voice a certain lightness to it. "Gally, you drunken shank, no one likes me." I try to insist upon him. "Come with me child," he says, grabbing ahold of my arm. Dragging me off somewhere.

Gally led me to the west maze doors where a small group of boys were.

"Nope! She's gonna go for Newt I'm sure if it!"

"No! It's Minho!"




They all whipped their heads towards me. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell. "Now, what's going on? Tell me." I demanded, my voice iron. "Well, Newt and Minho were gonna race to see who would get to ask you out," one of them said. I walked over to where they were.

"How. Dare. You! How freaking dare you! What were you thinking?! That I'll fall in love with someone who could run the fastest? BS!" I yelled, anger flooding my veins.

"You both are great, really you are. But I just thought maybe you'd be better than this. Going so low as racing for me?"

They both stood, stunned and silent. "Just go to bed, you damn shanks. You'll both need rest for what tomorrow brings," Alby said, butting into the situation and stopping it. "All of you, beds now!" He commanded.

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