[Today 7:45 pm]
Dean: Is it your job to bother me or something?
Callia: Yes, yes it is.
Callia: But seriously. Look up Troye Sivan because I love his music so much.
Dean: I don't care about today's music. I'm more of an AC/DC, Metallica, Led Zeppelin kinda guy.
Callia: Eh, they're okay. Troye Sivan is still better.
Dean: But he looks like a 13 year old kid with a high voice.
Callia: oH MY GOD, you listened to his music, didn't you?
Dean: I heard a snippet of it, and I didn't like it at all.
Callia: You have disappointed me on so many levels.
Dean: Oh look, my day just got better.
Callia: You're so rude, geez, why do I even talk to you?
Dean: Because you have nothing better to do than annoy the hell out of me.
Callia: Touché.
Callia: I do love annoying the hell out of you.
Dean: Kill me now.
Callia: I can't, I don't know where you live.
Dean: I am not telling you where I live.
Callia: Dammit, I was gonna stalk you for the rest of my life.
Dean: Don't you have more important things to do besides that?
Callia: Nope. I'm all yours, 'sweetheart'.
Dean: Did you just?
Callia: Yes, yes I did.
Callia: You love me, don't deny it.
Dean: I will deny and refuse it forever now. I don't love you, and I don't even really know you.
Callia: You need to soften that hard heart of yours, even if it's just a little bit.
Callia: You should also listen to Panic! At the Disco, cause that's a good band too.
Dean: I'll stick with my own taste of music, thanks.
Callia: Ugh, you're no fun.
Dean: I can be fun.
Dean: I just choose not to do it around you.
Callia: Excuse me while I go find an ice pack for that burn you just gave me.
Dean: What?
Callia: Nevermind.
Callia: You're still rude, though.
Callia: But I'm gonna change that.
Dean: I'd like to see you try.
Callia: Challenge accepted, Dean-o. Challenge accepted.
Dean: ....
Dean: What have I gotten myself into?
Callia: The wonderful world of happy Callia Taylor.
Dean: You just gave me your last name.
Callia: So?
Callia: It's not like you're gonna look me up and hunt me down and kill me.
Callia: Please don't look me up and hunt me down and kill me. I'm too young to die.
Dean: I'm not gonna do that.
Dean: Yet.
Callia: Ha ha ha...
Callia: I don't like you anymore.
Dean: Good.
Callia: Nevermind, I like you again.
Dean: Dammit.
Callia: You'll learn to like me, Dean-o. It just takes time.
Dean: Yeah, so much time that by the time it does happen, I'll be on my death bed.
Callia: I really don't like that nasty attitude of yours.
Dean: What're you gonna do about it? You know nothing about me, so there is no way to 'hunt me down' like you said.
Callia: I will find a way to change that attitude. Just watch.
Dean: Good luck with that.
Callia: Thanks. I'll need all the luck I can get.

Message † Dean Winchester [2] [VERY SLOW UPDATES]
Fanfiction❝Don't forget my pie, Sam.❞ ❝I dunno who Sam is, but if you're wanting pie, I'd be glad to get you some.❞ † In which a hunter accidentally messages the wrong person on what he wants from the grocery store. P...