Chapter Two - What Could Go Wrong?

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Chapter Two - What Could Go Wrong?


It would have been easier if I was livin' in ignorant bliss.

Knowin' that Raven harbors feelings for me is messin' with my mind. My body. I'm thirty-three for Pete's sake! This kind of puppy love feelings should have been left in my teenage years.

"Are you comin' in for lunch or are you gonna stare at them cows all day?" Reva asks startlin' me from my thoughts. I shuffled inside and sat at the table while Raven just watched me.

"We gonna choke on this lunch or are you gettin' us something to drink?" I asked gruffly when I didn't see the usual pitcher of iced sweet tea on the table.

"Yes! I ... y-yes sir!" Raven squeaked and all but ran out the dining room.

"Look at him, all stumblin' around like a new born foal in the dark whenever he's around you." Reva giggled, I cut into my steak and gave her a bland stare but she continued anyway. "I'm tellin' ya Rylon, you either take that boy or you cut him loose." she says quietly givin' me this look, this weird ass look.

"What are you talkin' about Reva? And don't look at me like that." I said gettin' my wild heart under control. Shit, she knows.

"Don't play dumb with me. Even a blind man can see Raven's in love with you." she smirked and I blinked at her a couple of times. Yep, she knows something alright.

I was about to respond but Raven stepped back in concentrating on balancin' the pitcher of tea and two glasses. We continued lunch with Reva's constant eyebrow liftin' and smirkin' in my direction.

Little sisters are evil creations.

That night I went into Raven's room and watched him while he slept. Haven't done this in over a year. Such an innocent little thing. Covers up to his chin. He was dreamin' again from the looks of his tossin' and little grunts leavin' his lips, brows drawn up in confusion. Then a small smile takes its place.

"Rylon." I froze, shit. Caught red handed. This will be so hard to explain. I waited a bit but his eyes never opened.

Oh god! He was dreamin' about me!

A sexy little mewl filled the room as he turned onto his stomach and gripped the bed sheets while he dry humped the mattress. My body responded to the sight of his hips movin'.

Shit! Wished it was me he was movin' against. Ah hell, this is what I get for sneakin' into his room and watchin' him sleep like some weirdo.

Scratchin' the back of my neck I left Raven's room and went straight into my shower armed with the knowledge that Raven has wet dreams about me. After satisfyin' my perverted desires with my hand I didn't sleep a wink.

I had to stop this. I had to stop lustin' for that boy. I never felt desire quite like this for anybody, not even when I was fourteen and saw my first set of boobs. Not when I was sixteen and got laid the first time.

So I called the only person I knew who'd help me out in more than one way. Maybe a tumble in the sheets with Jenny Jo Rose would cure me of my need for Raven, it sure has been a long time for me and Jenny sure knows how to get a man's blood pumpin' and she's well versed in the way meaningless sex works.

Just a nice dinner like old times then I bed her at one of the motels out of town. Scratch an itch.

What could go wrong?


Published: 24th March, 2016

Copyright © 2018 by @notbackingdown

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or printed without express permission from the Author.


Couldn't wait because I may not have access to the internet over the weekend.

I know I'm leaving you guys hangin' here but... all good things right?

Shout out to:























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