The Cruise of Angst

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  • Dedicated to Zac Baker

The Cruise of Angst

“Babe, we could have taken a cruise out of Miami and head down to the Bahamas.” Sarah rolled her eyes at her husband and continued packing suitcase. “Or we could have—"

“Babe, we’re going to Cancun for a cruise.” Zac stopped packing to stare at his wife. “What?” She asked. She had ceased packing as well to stare back at Zac. She was so beautiful to him with her dyed dark mahogany hair and pale blue eyes. She was so short compared to him at 5’2”. He was 6’3” with a large muscular frame and golden blonde hair that was medium length with small curls. He also had a nicely trimmed beard.  

“Nothing babe,” he finally murmured.

Sarah gave him a quizzical look before going back to her packing. After several minutes she announced, “Well, I’m done. How about you?”

“Eh, I’m almost done.”

“Need any help?”


Sarah raised an eyebrow. “You sure?”

Zac knew better than to refuse help, so this time he gave in and let his wife help. After all, the last time he packed a suitcase, he forgot his swimming trunks. Sarah looked inside and sighed heavily. “Babe, I showed you how to pack your clothes to give you more space.”

“I can’t do it that way.”

“Why not?”

“Because I suck at it.” It was the simple truth.

Sarah chucked lightly. “Alright,” she gestured for Zac to move out of the way so that she could have better access to the suitcase. She took out all his clothes to re-pack. Taking four of his shirts, she placed them on the bed, stretched out, one on top of the other. Then, she snugly rolled the shirts. “See, it’s not that hard.” She did the same with another set of shirts and pants. His boxers and socks were placed in the inside pockets of the suitcase while his undershirts were rolled up as well. Sarah asked where his swimming trunks were, so Zac had to get them out from his dresser.

“Thank you.” Sarah neatly placed them in the suitcase. “Now, I need your bag of toiletries.” When his suitcase was finished she zipped it up and placed it on the floor next to hers. “There, that was easy.” Zac was sitting on the bed so she sat next to him. After, he warped his arms around her.

“I love you babe.”

Sarah snuggled closer to him. “I love you too.”

The next morning Sarah awoke to her alarm blaring. Next to her, Zac stirred and soon sat up. “Good morning.”

Sarah groaned. No matter what, she hated to wake up early. It was 5:30 AM and they needed to get ready for their big day; they were going down to Cancun, Mexico for their 10th wedding anniversary.

“Babe, you need to get up.” Sarah groaned again. “Come on, we have a plane to catch.”

“Yeah, at 10:15.” Her hoarse voice made her sound a little grouchier than she really was.

Zac put up his hands in defense. “Hey, I’m not the one who wanted to wake up this early.”

“I know.” Sarah sighed, and then said, “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be up.”

“Fine. I’ve got to pee anyways.”

“Thanks for sharing.”

“You’re welcome babe.” Sarah shooed her husband from the room. When he was gone, she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. The room was still dark, but outside the window she could see streaks of light trying to get inside. She could also hear the birds chirping. With another sigh, she shoved the blankets off her and stood up. The wood floor felt cold beneath her feet as she walked to the dresser. She grabbed the clothes she left out and headed towards the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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