(CYHMH) #2: Home is where the heart is

Start from the beginning

"You do not fight fair love. Get you're coats." Louis huffed as Liam tossed Harry gently in the air.

The walk was amusing since Harry refused to let anyone touch Loki's leash and insisted he carry it even though he was sat on LIam's arm, while Louis was wrapped under Liam's free arm. They were the picture perfect family to any onlookers and there were many. The streets were a bit more packed being closer to the holidays and several far off relatives seemed to have landed not use to seeing the famous power couple out on the streets casually.

"You do not fight fair love. Get you're coats." Louis huffed as Liam tossed Harry gently in the air.

The walk was amusing since Harry refused to let anyone touch Loki's leash and insisted he carry it even though he was sat on LIam's arm, while Louis was wrapped under Liam's free arm. They were the picture perfect family to any onlookers and there were many. The streets were a bit more packed being closer to the holidays and several far off relatives seemed to have landed not use to seeing the famous power couple out on the streets casually.

"Hazza did you know your Dada use to tour the whole world singing to strangers?" Harry wrinkled his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Oh he did long ago baby, he was on the cover of American magazines all by himself without a shirt." Harry wrinkled his nose and muttered a "yucky". Louis laughed as Liam let out an offended scoff.

"I know Hazza it was yucky, but don't worry after me your dada and I made a promise to not do shoots we wouldn't be proud to show to you. You weren't born yet but we both knew we'd have a beautiful child together. That and your dada had a jealous streak it was a part of his charm really because every time he got jealous and called me up no matter where he was I knew he was just worrying," Louis and Liam met eyes,

"I won't lie to you Hazza, I deserved a timeout sometimes and so did your dada but we loved each other too much to ever give up. And I'm glad we never did because we got our dream Hazza. You know what is was? " Harry shook his head.

"It was you Hazza. We wanted a beautiful baby to complete our family and we got you love. You are the best thing to ever happen to your dada and I." Louis chocked on his words really letting reality sink in. He had everything he ever could want, his little family was perfect and he had a home, not just a house but a home. Liam nudged his shoulder and carefully leaned down to kiss him straight on the lips.

Harry got a little frustrated and squirmed In Liam's arm and dropped Loki's leash. Liam handed Harry to Louis and picked up Loki's leash thankful he was trained enough to not run off. Harry however, kissed Louis cheek and muttered what sounded like a 'wuv ooo'. (Louis definitely cried and admitted it freely to Nick and all the other callers asking and assuming the worst.)

They walked into the bakery and greeted the young boy behind the counter.

"Hey George." Liam smiled.

"Hello Payne family how are you guys today?" George asked glancing at Harry who had his little face pressed up against the display glass while Louis snickered at took photos rather then scold him or Loki who had his paws on the glass as well.

"Good good, Harry managed to stand all by himself."

"No tumbling over? That's hard to believe I think I have to see it myself." George smiled and Liam was always up to showing off his son.

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