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Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't update in two days, I had a lot of paperwork and homework to do. I'm back and I must say I'm kinda disturbed. So I was looking at a story and I was in that area between chapters that offers books like the one your reading, right? So I happened to look at one of book summaries and I was just like WTF when I saw skinny dipping and I just imagined Naruto trying to persuade Kakashi to skinny dip with him and then they get caught by the Hokage, and then the Hokage scolds them and treats like kids while dragging them by the ear to the Hokage Tower and they're still NAKED (And Like I imagined a bunch of fan girls having nosebleeds) Like Wut is wrong with my mind, anyway sorry about my rambling and go ahead and enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto had woken up and he felt a soreness in his back, a smile crossed his face when he remembered what happened. Kakashi loved him. Naruto was thrown out of his thoughts when said person nuzzled into his neck.

"Hmm," Kakashi purred into the blond's neck, causing his young lover to giggle. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Naruto responded, rolling over and giving the man a kiss on the nose. "We should go check on Kurama."

Kakashi have a hum of agreement and pulled away, pulling himself up. Naruto was having some trouble though and the pain in his back was killing him, so he had less success in getting up. Kakashi gave a soft chuckle at Naruto's predicament and walked over to the blond's side of the bed, picking his young lover bridal style.

"You seem to be having trouble," Kakashi spoke, carrying him towards their bathroom.

Naruto was blushing as well as pouting, a little mad that he couldn't take care of himself. Kakashi chuckled at the adorable look on the blond's face and gave him a quick kiss, before cleaning them up.

With Kurama and Gaara

Gaara sighed as the young kit, Kurama, started jumping around again. It was annoying the red head. The little mongrel just couldn't sit still, could he? It reminded him of a certain blond-haired male. Gaara couldn't but admit that Kurama was sorta cute though, his ears always seemed to be perked up and his tail swayed in the wind. The young kit would definitely find himself a nice mate.

"Kurama," Gaara sighed heavily once more when the kit started messing with the papaerwork again. "Get out of there."

The young fox gave a 'yip' in response and Gaara wondered if Naruto taught the fox how to understand humans, or if Kurama was just sly and smart as any other fox. Gaara sweat-dropped as he assumed the latter since Naruto probably forgot about language barrier, after all the blond had a giant fox sealed in him that spoke English.

'I wonder if Naruto and Kakashi will be able to come pick up Kurama today?' Gaara thought, forcing the naughty thoughts away. He was pretty sure that he would give his friend trouble if he did become a fangirl, so he wasn't. Maybe. 'Damn horomones.'

Kurama interrupted his thoughts by jumping on the red head and Gaara cursed his exsistence. Why was he stuck taking care of the fox? Gaara shook his head at his own question, it was obviously because Naruto and Kakashi couldn't trust anyone else, they were missing nin. He idly wondered what the two lovebirds were doing now. Probably sleeping.

With Kakashi and Naruto

Naruto was now seated on the bed, struggling to pull on his shirt, Kakashi had already helped his lover into his boxers and pants. Kyuu wasn't helping either, saying that Naruto needed to learn the coincidences of having sex and saying that it was funny seeing Naruto struggle with such normal tasks.

'Pftt hahahaha!' Kyuu roared with laughter as Naruto's shaking hands failed at zipping up his vest, again. 'Now you know what it feels like to be helpless.'

'Shut up, stupid fox,' Naruto grumbled back, finally managing to zip up the vest. 'I bet you wouldn't appreciate it if you couldn't do much either.'

'Oh Shut up,' Kyuu grumbled, his laughter ceasing as he was reminded of Madara and the attack on Konoha all those years ago. 'I didn't appreciate it.'

'Sorry Kyuu,' Naruto spoke softly, having forgotten about how Madara manipulated Kyuu to attack Konoha. 'It wasn't your fault, it was Madara's. So don't worry about it, fur ball.'

Kyuu seemed to be reassured by Naruto's words because he went silent and healed the soreness in the blond's back without complaint. 'Thanks Kyuu!'

"You ready to head out?" Kakashi asked the younger male, who was still sitting on the bed.

"Yep!" Naruto replied cheerfully, hopping off of the bed with a huge grin. "Kyuu-chan decided to finally heal me."

A ripple of pain went Naruto's spine at that and it must've shown on Naruto's face, because Kakashi rushed over. 'Oi, watch your mouth, brat!' Kyuu spoke to him and the pain disappeared as fast as it came.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Kakashi asked worriedly, slinging an arm around his lover's shoulder.

"Ya, Kyuu just doesn't like me calling him Kyuu-chan," Naruto responded, grinning at Kakashi. "Let's go before Gaara kills Kurama!"

'I'll kill the brat if he hurts our kit,' Kyuu growled and Naruto briefly wondered why the fox said 'our' instead of 'your'.

'Probably nothing important,' Naruto thought, him and Kakashi shunshinning (?) to Gaara's office.

That is all for this chapter! I'm thinking of ending it in a few chapters 'cause I want to get started on some other stories and I'm getting some high thing, because I suddenly really want to write something. Anyway, ciao my readers and fellow writers!


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