Heading towards the Sand Village

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So I guess this chapter or part or whatever will be based on Kakashi and Naruto heading towards the Sand village to talk to Gaara. Hmm... I need some ideas on what to do in upcoming chapters 'cause I'm kinda making this up on the whim. :D enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I own this plot, if there is one.

Naruto and Kakashi packed up their things after eating breakfast and planning on heading out, they were going to the sand village. Naruto wanted to go speak to his friend, Gaara, probably stay a few nights, and start traveling again. Naruto was trying to decide whether or not if he wanted to come back to the town they had just left.

'I'll come back one day and live there with Kakashi,' Naruto thought quietly and looked over at the copy-nin in question, who was holding Kurama and petting him. It was an adorable sight.

A smile came to Naruto's face and he wondered what Kakashi was to him, "So Kakashi, what does this make us? Boyfriends? Lovers?"

Naruto blushed a little at the second option, thinking...about some rather lewd positions and he quickly pushed those thoughts down before he had a boner or something worse. Kyuu had woken up during the middle of this and he was laughing his ass at Naruto's thoughts.

'Stupid fox,' Naruto grumbled mentally, twiddling his thumbs together and Kakashi put down Kurama, so he could walk over to the blond.

Kakashi pulled down his mask as he pulled Naruto close by the waist and whispered against the shell of his ear, "I'll be whatever you want me to be."

The copy-nin started kissing the soft flesh behind Naruto's ear and the blond responded by gasping out Kakashi's name and arching against him. Naruto felt on fire with a tightening in his chest and his skin burned from where the silver-haired nin had touched him. Kakashi purred against the blond locks and pulled back, they needed to get going and he didn't want to ruin Kurama's innocence by having sex in front of the poor kit.

Naruto was crimson in the face when the copy-nin pulled back, tiny pants coming from the blond's mouth. He coughed nervously and fixed his clothes so Kakashi couldn't see his boner from those simple and soft touches. Kakashi just smirked and pulled his mask back up, he knew what Naruto was trying to hide and found it adorable.

"Come on, it's time we got going," Kakashi spoke, slinging his bag over his shoulders.

"Y-ya," Naruto spluttered, picking up his bag and Kurama, cuddling the fox close.

They headed out, hopping from branch to branch, Naruto in front with Kakashi behind him. Kakashi had an idea and snuck up on the blond, picking him up bridal style and pulling him close.

"Ahh!" Naruto yelped at the sudden change in position. "K-Kakashi, what are you doing?!"

"Holding my bride," the copy-nin responded cheekily. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't escort my beloved?"

Naruto grumbled, but didn't struggle and let him carry him, "I hate you."

Kakashi grinned underneath his mask and gave the blond his famous eye-smile, "I know you mean love."

The silver-haired nin leaned down and gave the blond a kiss through his mask. Naruto just hummed and snuggled against the warm chest. Kurama wiggled a little from Naruto's chest and found a more comfortable place on the blond's chest to sleep. He felt safer than he had ever felt in his life.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was rushed and a little short, I had to get off the bus and I was trying to delay as much as possible so I could post it, but alas not. Anyway, that's all! Ciao.


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