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I...had no other pictures. ;-; Well anyway, here's chapter three, all day. Ahh well, I don't know what I do with my life. Usual waste it on anime, sleeping, or reading fanfictions...Hmm, writing fanfic a is a new one, anyway enjoy! This is spectating Kakashi.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, cause if I did...well, let's just say some very jacked up crap would be on it and it would be rated Adults Only. ~Wink~ ~Wink~

Kakashi had been having a bad feeling ever since last night when he had that talk with Naruto on Minato-sensei's statue head. There had a been a certain air...of acceptance around the blond-haired shinobi which worried Kakashi. There was also that look in Naruto's eye that the copy-nin didn't like, it was the look of someone going to run. Kakashi frowned lightly underneath his mask and couldn't help but feel the dread increase as the time ticked by. Tension was thick in the air and Kakashi knew even the stupidest people could see it, which was troubling.

Kakashi dropped his pen and leaned back in seat, rubbing his templates with an air of a irritated person. The stress was getting to him, he was started to look like an old man. Kakashi was slightly startled when Sakura, Sasuke, Gai, and Lee practically smashed through his door with a shout. He jerked out of his seat when they all started talking rapidly.

"Naruto is-"
"My eternal r-"
"The eternal y-"
"Dobe is m-"

"SHUT UP!" Kakashi snapped at them, a tick mark appearing and irration obvious. "Tell me one at a time."

They all looked at each and all agreed Gai speak for them, "My eternal rival! Our most eternal young, Naruto, was not in his apartment this morning! He left this letter!"

Horror found itself on the silver-haired man's face as he snatched the letter from Gai's hands with trembling hands. No, no, no, no, no! Naruto couldn't have left them, right? What about their talk last night?! Why did he leave us? Why?

"Eternal rival, are you alright?" Gai asked carefully, noticing the tears running down the copy-nin's cheeks, making his look so much older.

"No, I'm not," Kakashi snapped, clenching the letter and feeling tears still spilling down his cheeks. Turning to his anbu guard, Kakashi spoke, "I need a team of hunter-nin and a team of anbu after Naruto Uzumaki! Bring him back alive!"

"Wait Kakashi!" Sasuke spoke quickly, knowing he needed to be calm and collected for this. "Isn't this abit hasty? We haven't even labeled Naruto as a missing min yet!"

"He's not missing nin!" Kakashi refused to believe it. His favorite blond leaving? Why?

"Calm down Kakashi, please," Sakura pleaded, carefully setting a hand on the silver-haired man'a shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be alright until we find him. He's the strongest shinobi there is! We'll find him."

Sakura gave his shoulder a squeeze, but Kakashi didn't move from his slumped over posture, "Didn't he say he didn't want to be found? What if we can't find him since he doesn't want to found?"

There was silence after that and rumor spread quickly throughout the village that Naruto Uzumaki was a missing nin.

Later that evening

Kakashi sat on his bed with a half-empty bottle of sake on his nightstand. In his hands was Team seven's first group photo, Naruto giving Sasuke a glare, Sasuke looking irrated, and Sakura grinning at the camera. A small smile found its way on his face and he set the picture back down before taking a swig of sake. He missed it when they were all just cute little genin. So adorable, especially Naruto...Kakashi took another swig of his sake to get rid of those thoughts. Over the years, Kakashi had started to harbor feelings for the blond, but he always tried to push the feelings away because he knew that it wasn't professional.

Sucking in a breath, he gave out a shaky sigh. Kakashi looked down at his shaking hands and decided that he needed to pass the job of Hokage to someone else, so he could go after Naruto himself. Kakashi groaned out aloud at the thought of his favorite blond being killed and more tears spilled down his cheeks. He needs more sake. The copy-nin reached over and gulped down the rest of the sake and sighed. He passed out moments later, curling into a half-ball and having a restless sleep.

I was making last minute adjustments when I had to leave my house, so I'm sorry I couldn't post this chapter earlier today. ;-;  hope you enjoyed! Ciao.


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