Chapter 32

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//song of chapter is dope by bts//

//I can't stop listening to their amazing little Korean voices. Check them out! My bias is Kim Taehyung a.k.a. V//

//so sorry for the late update//

"Take a breath. They say. Eat a snickers. They say. Your not you when your hungry. They say. Ooo snickers! Ohmygosh! Butter. Damnit! I want a huge tub of butter! What about a butter cereal. Just fried butter and milk. Ohmygosh! I've been waiting forever for my butter. WHERE IS THE BUTTER TUB!!!" You scream to yourself.

//I am imagining it like my favourite tv show Parks and Recreation where Ann is pregnant and the cravings start. Idk, it's in the media bar//

"Babe, I talked to the doctor. He said it's normal to crave. It's just common around seven month pregnant women, not four. But, don't worry. The worst that can happen is that the baby is born premature and will need medical help for the rest of its life." Jeydon says calmly whilst rubbing your stomach in circles.

"Premature? Fuck! Damnit! You know what would make this a lot better? A TUB OF FOTHERMUCKING BUTTER!" You were craving a lot. You were also pretty stressed and cranky, obviously.

"Butter is awful for a normal person. Which means it is like hell to a pregnant woman. So no. By the way, I have a meeting at YouTube Headquarters in London about a commercial for my channel, so got to go. Like now. Have Natalia over or something, just don't be alone. Okay? I love you." He said, pecking your lips.

"I love you too!" You replied. He looked back and smiled, before closing the door behind him. You called Natalia.


"HE LOVES YOU" Natalie screams at the television in between bites of ice cream.

"WHO CARES ABOUT MEMORY LOSS WHEN IT'S LOVE!!" You screamed back. And ate more cake batter ice cream. (thebest:3)

"IF I LOST MY MEMORY AND CHANNING TATUM SAID HE WAS MY HUSBAND, BITCH I WOULD BE ALL OVER THAT!" Natalia yells more, then shoves her face in the ice cream.

"I KNOW, SAME GIRRRLLLLL!" You reply as you high five her back. You two were watching one of the best romantic films ever, The Vow.


"I need you girl!" You tried to sing the Korean song. You were showering whilst Natalia drove to pick up the pizza.

"Oh! Shommeshakeeashwa! Sina atoosheewaaah!" You mimicked the other language words and failed. You had conditioner in you hair and you were using the loofah stick as a microphone.

"Hindavidad! Ohcunseekeeewaah!" You sang more. A droplet of conditioner dell into your eye.

"Son of a bitch!" You screamed as you reached on the floor of the bathroom for a towel. You put it under the water, then smacked your eye.

"Owwwwwwwweyyyyy!" You shouted.


"Today was eventful." You exclaim as you cuddle closer to Jeydon and he holds you tight. You pull up the duvet and watch as he drifts off to sleep.

//I wanted more random nonsense chapters! Romantic coming up. I swear!//

Together Through Suicide [Jeydon Wale X Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ