Chapter 31

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//Song of chapter is I need u by bts//

//omg I freaking love bangtan boys!!//


"Come in" You yell.

"Look, babe. I'm sorry!" Jeydon holds your hands.

"It's fine, I was the jerk" You say, kissing his forehead.

"Let's go out to eat, see a movie, then eat some fucking ice cream!" Jeydon orders.

"Ooo, taking control are we? I like it!" You take his hand and he pulls you up from the bed.

He walked into the bathroom to poop or something. You put on your cyan shirt that read "true FotherMucker". You have had this shirt since before you even met Jeydon. He walked out of the bathroom, smiled at you and went outside to start the car. When you put on the shirt your realized that you were starting to get a little baby bump. I mean, you are four months pregnant. You put on some black leggings and grabbed your amazing purse. You sat in the passanger seat and he drove to Nando's. He parked the car, then went to the bathroom as you got a table for the both of you.

"Omigosh! I live your shirt somaj!!" A scene girl with long purple hair came up to you and said. She had a thick, northern british accent.

"Aww, thank you. Jeydon is pretty amazing" You exclaimed. If only she knew.

"Yah, I want to have his babies" She said and your face went red.

"I know what that is like. Why don't you sit down?" You ask her as you tap the seat across from you.

"Well, okay?" She says and sits down. Moments of talking passed and Jeydon came to the table.

"How's my little baby? Oh and you two, [y/n]" Jeydon says as he walks to you and puts his ear onto your stomach.

"Oh, shut up Jey! This is Natalia, she is a big fan of you!" You introduce Jeydon to the purple haired girl.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You're. Jeydon. Fucking. Wale." She stuttered and hugged him.

"I think I am aware of that" Jeydon hugged her back.

"You helped me so much, and through a lot. Wait, what do you mean hows my little baby?" She asked as the hug ended.

"Oh my gosh, four months!! It's certain! They are alive!" You realize and say. Jeydon kisses your cheek.

"Well, this is [y/n], and we are expecting!" Jeydon explains.

"Oh, I am so happy for you two! And, I feel a little bad for saying that I wanted to have your babies in front of your girlfriend who is actually having your baby." She trailed off.

"It's totally fine lol" You say.

//short, cute chapter. I'm in the school play called 'Backstage' it's really funny! I play a goth! We are performing this weekend, so I'm really busy!
Personal- phanimemes
Fan- crybaby.for.melanie //

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