Chapter 3

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You were on the way to visit Jeydon in the hospital. You are nervous as hell. You arrive and run to the door. A person exits and holds the door open for you. You mutter "Thank you" and run to the reception center.

"I'm here to see Jeydon Wale!" You scream at the lady

"Family only. What is your relation to him?" The lady says. You think back to what his mother told you

"I'm his wife." You state bluntly,not thinking twice

"Name?" She looks at you and raises an eyebrow

"[F/N] Wale. We have been married for a year and a half. My birthday is [your birthday] his birthday is October,2nd,1991. Any more questions?" You just wanted to see if he is okay

"Hmmmm. Correct. We need to get family comfirmation to see if you are really family" She calls the room and asks his mother to come here. You show his phone to her and she instantly realizes it's the girl on the phone.

"Stop holding her back,she's married to the guy" Jeydon's mom pulls you away. You are alone in the elevator with her

"Thank you for that" You say to her

"It's fine,sweetheart. Thank you for saving my son" You blush at her remark

"I am married to him,so why wouldn't I?" You joke and you both smile and laugh. The elevator stops.

"We are here. No crying. Just be happy he is alive. He woke up not long ago" She smiles at you

"He woke up already?!? Wow! Oh. By the way,here is his phone. My digital escape is on a plane here also" You hand her his phone and smile as you explain. She stops walking and opens a hospital door.

Jeydon is lying there on the bed. A thousand different wires and tubes attached to him. He is in a hospital gown. He looks uncomfortable with being tucked into the bed. They took off his bracelets,you can clearly see the cuts all over his wrists. You can see both of his eyes! He is so adorable and perfect you think.

"And who is this?" A doctor stopped talking to Jeydon about his conditions and looked at you

"His wife, [y/n]" Jeydon's mother answers for you. Jeydon looks up,then looks back down because you are not Sam.

"Oh. I will leave all of you alone then" The doctor stares at you and your piercings that you put back in at a stoplight. He exits the room and closes the door.

"Jeydon. This is [y/n] she is the manager of the coffeeshop. She also is the reason you are alive. Without this girl finding you and giving you CPR,you would be dead" his mother explains. Jeydon grunts and mutters "thanks" quietly.

You realize that he must be really pissed at you. Considering he tried to kill himself and you saved him. He did not want to be saved.

"I'm so sorry" You look at the ground as you apologize

"Why?" Jeydon asks. There is pain in his voice. He does not sound like his loud,happy self.

"If It wasn't for me ,you would've gotten what you wanted. I stopped the thing you longed for. Death. I couldn't see you like that and not do something. You helped me not kill myself and I couldn't just let you kill yourself. Your videos,they bring me joy to my hell hole life. I need you" You smile at him. He looks up and stops playing with his hospital wristband. He smiles and looks into your eyes. Deeply into your eyes

"Thank you. [Y/N]." Jeydon looks down again

"I called Bryan and he said that they were on their way. They should be here pretty soon. Maybe a couple more hours" You frown

"Thank you" Jeydon repeats. His mother went to the hallway to talk to the doctor again

Together Through Suicide [Jeydon Wale X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz