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(POV Ratchet)

"No doubt in my processors, Prime. You are indeed carrying. I do believe congratulations are in order." Nightblade smiled while looking at each monitor, turning to face the Prime. "And you're only into first month of gestation, only 13 more to go." I looked at her, raising an optics. "How do you know this?" She turned back to the monitors, "I can't know the exact time of conception, and personally, that would be too personal a question to be asking the CMO and the Prime." Tapping away at the monitors. "At least with the war over, we won't have to worry so much about Decepticon attack." Her voice quieted. "You still worry?" I turned to Orion, surprised at him slightly. She sighed, adjusting the screen. "I always worry, but now I have three reasons to worry about." She gestured to Orion. Without another thought both of us asked simultaneously. "Three?"

She laughed, "The Decepticons and the two inside of you, and you, Orion. Never mind, four things." Twins, twins, I'm sire to twins. I felt a stupid grin come onto my face. Then the room began to swirl and dip, turning black.


(POV Optimus Prime0

Nightblade wasn't far from Ratchet when his whole chassis collapsed, I'm glad for that. I only felt happiness go through the bond before he fell. "What happened to him?" I asked her, concern in my voice. "His CPU crashed, it's more than normal for mechs to crash after being told they are going to be a sire." She hoisted his chassis over her shoulder, not having trouble with him. "So, uh, anything I need to know? About carrying I mean." She placed Ratchet nicely onto the other medical berth that was in the infirmary on the Ark. "Well, I guess there's a list. But first thing's first," She grabbed something from under the cabinet, under one of the larger monitors. "Drink this, make it quick." Handing me a magenta colored, I inspected it. "Is this the same as what I had last night?" She nodded. "Yes, however, it's better regulated." I looked back down at the cube, drinking it quickly, visibly wincing at the flavor. "Now that's out of the way, let me begin with one thing major." Chuckling, throwing herself onto the counter that lay in front of the berth.

"The need for you to have Energon is essential, since you have two sparklings, they will be taking minerals and your energy right from you. So your intake of Energon will have to be double, if not triple,  meaning one to two normal Blue's with the Medical grade." I listened, absentmindedly nodding. "Also with that, rest, recharge is also part of the main battle." My tank gurgled, a servo rested on it, a small heat rose in my system. "Was that the only cube for today?" I shook my helm, rubbing small circles on my tank. I was looking down at what would soon become something bulbous, excitement for the two new sparklings was a grand feeling. "Here," A Blue cube was placed in my servo, three more on the counter with Night. "Thanks," I whispered, sipping at the Blue cube's contents, she nodded. "Well that should make you feel better, yeah?"

"I guess I should go over some other key points, yeah?" I continued to sip at the Blue cube, giving a slight nod to her question. "Well, the morning sickness, the purging, will only last for this month, and some parts of the eleventh and twelfth month." Oh well that's just great, fragging great, I thought with grit of my denta. "Mood swings are another thing but I don't think we need to cover them. If needed, we will. But more importantly, when you're in the ninth to tenth month your T-cog will stop allowing you to transform for the time being." I finished the cube, placing it down.

"Any questions?" She asked while getting up from the counter, grabbing the cube and putting it into subspace. I thought for a klik, no other questions came to my processor. "Not at the moment." She nodded, looking at the monitors behind me, tapping away at the panel. I opened my mouth to ask if something was a matter however, chose to keep quiet. "No, nothing's the matter." She turned her helm to face me, I raised an optic ridge at her. "Don't give me that look, we both know you were wondering." She laughed lightly, turning back to the monitor. "Lay down, you nor Ratchet will be leaving my infirmary today." I laughed. "Ratchet always said that. Okay maybe he was referring to the berthroom but you know." I couldn't help sigh a bit. "You too are trouble, you know that?" She laughed, checking Ratchet, or at least that's what it looked like from the angle I had lying down.

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