Chapter 4: The Date

Start from the beginning

He chuckled and shook his head once more, allowing me to break into a smile myself.

'No. I like you. You're...' and then he trailed off. I bit my bottom lip and tried to hide my smile.

'I'm... what?' I said and smiled, he looked into my eyes for the second time I came in, and I could see he couldn't help but smile.

'Anyways,' he said, trying to change the topic. 'Just in case your try to murder my kid I need to know some things about you.' I laughed.

'well,' I began, looking up at the celling of the shop, searching for interesting things about me to mention. At the exact time I saw him take out something from his pocket and stare at it. Which I guessed was a phone and he just received a text.

'I'm 17, just about to move into college. My parents and I aren't doing anything this summer so I thought getting a job would be a good idea. You know, the money and to get use to a half time job while in college.' He nodded while listening but I could see he wasn't satisfied.

'..-nothing much. My life is pretty boring.' I said and he kept nodding in silence.

There was an awkward moment of silence as he looked to the floor. Fuck. I obviously didn't impress him. But how could I? what else is there to say?

I waited for a moment and I felt awfully awkward. I was so boring and he seemed to have the need to say something but know he shouldn't.

'Are we gonna..-' I started to say, trying to think of how to break the silence.

'Gonna what?' he asked, kind of offended. I felt taken aback as if I just said something so morally wrong he had to snap.

I was short of breath and couldn't manage to form any words to create a simple sentence.

'Order the ice-cream...' I finally said, calm and quiet. I do this thing where I just shut down on myself and become so bare for everything to hit me, I hate it.

'oh.' He breathed out.

'Did I say something wrong?' I finally managed to ask. For only the third time this whole time he looked me in the face.

'No, it's okay. It's just... I have to go..' he said, dragging his words. I creased up my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell? Already?

'It's hardly been ten minutes though-' I said and then stopped. I was puzzled. What does this mean?

'I'm sorry.' He said, taking his coat from the seat next to him and wiping his sweaty hands on his shirt. I fell back on my chair and looked out the window in disbelief. Have I already lost the job?

'I'm really, really sorry.' He repeated. All I could do is just nod and not look at him once. I was annoyed.

Then, he just didn't even bother to say goodbye and left the shop.


'What do you mean he just left?' said Alice, puzzled from the sudden response.

'That's not how dates are supposed to go.' She said with a disgusted face.

'It wasn't a date.' I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee.

'Nonetheless! That was rude.' She exclaimed while settling the kettle to heat the water for her own mug of coffee. 'That's ridiculous. It wasn't even fifteen minutes!'

'I don't understand why he would invite me in the first place.' I shrugged and looked down to the boiling coffee.

'What are you going to do now then?' she asked, leaning on the counter.

'Find another job.' I said simply while taking my laptop out.

'Another job?' she nearly shouted. 'Already?'

'Well what the hell am I supposed to do? I asked. To be completely honest, I was still annoyed. I did nothing wrong but bring happiness to joe.

'Talk to him maybe!'

'Hell no. I've made him hate me already.

'Jesus Christ, Poppy! He doesn't hate you, you did nothing wrong.'

I ignored her after she said that, I buried my head in my laptop screen and often drowned my lips in coffee.

'What did you say to him?' she finally asked, a little calmer than before.
I snapped my head up and in annoyance I hissed, 'I told him about wanting to start a job before college. Then there was a long ass annoying awkward silence. I tried breaking it by suggesting to buy the fucking ice-cream and he suddenly had to go.'

She looked down on the counter and I leant back into my laptop screen searching for other jobs. Suddenly, Alice's eyes lit up and her mouth opened.

'He's mad because you're young.'

I looked up from the laptop screen and creased my forehead in total puzzlement. What has her little brain come up with now?

When I kept staring she started jumping around. Finally she stopped and said, 'He liked you! He must have thought you were older. But obviously you're younger than he thought. He liked you!' she kept smiling while she said it.

'Thanks for using past tense. He obviously doesn't anymore.' I leaned my head on my fist as my elbow rested on the counter.

'oh but you can make him!' she exclaimed and I couldn't help but smile. The idea seemed crazy but I'd like for that to happen; It'd be interesting. I started smiling off into the distance big and wide and she did too.

'You want that to happen don't you?' she asked and I nodded a little before giggling.

'I'll text him to make sure if I should come tomorrow.' I murmured beneath my breath and I took out my phone and clicked on his name.

'But don't get your hopes up if he doesn't want me there.' I quickly added.

'I'll bet 5 pounds he does.' She said and I shook her hand in agreement, 'Deal.'

He quickly texted back and my face fell. I looked up to Alice and soon so did hers.
I slowly got up and found my bag. I placed it on the counter and then took my purse out. I placed 5 pounds in front of her. At first she seemed puzzled but then she realised and started jumping.

'I told you he liked you!'

Text messages :
                     Do you still want me to come to Joe tomorrow? : Me

Michael : Of course! Sorry about today. He's really excited to see you. I've had a rough day. We can talk tomorrow if you want. :)

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