Someone heard a whisper - Leo

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"Hey," I say to Logan. "Where's Alex?"

"I saw her go in the back," He says, placing a shot glass on the shelf after drying it. "Where all the alcohol is and stuff, you guys busy? She looks stressed." I brush past him, and go to the back room. It's the wine cellar,  and I don't know if I trust anyone anymore. I try to open the door, but it's locked.

"I'll be there in a minute, just getting more Jack," She barely manages to say, I can tell she's been crying. Well, she could be right. We do need more Jack Daniels.

"It's me." I say, hoping she'll be more relaxed. "And I'm sure you wouldn't be locking yourself in there when you don't have any keys to get out." I almost laugh, and she doesn't say anything. 

"Alex, let me in." 

A marker from the counter, dry erase, is floating, the cap being taken off. It floats mysteriously and starts writing on the door.


"Please, Alex, we need to talk."

Do the mission without me.

I know she's going to be in there for a while, she's not just getting Jack. I'm silent for a moment. 

I'm sorry for being a wreck, Leo.

"Stop fucking apologizing." I sign. "Fine, but I'm coming in when we're leaving. Okay?" She doesn't write anything, and the marker goes back to the counter in the same position it was in before, as if it never moved. 

"Sup with her?" Logan asked. "Are we almost done? Are they talking?"

"Yeah, they just talked a little too much." I sigh, walking out to the lobby. And listening in on their conversation.

Later, Alex shows up. She brings a few bottles of Jack, and some others. 

Honestly, it was mostly small talk for the rest of the time. Sooner or later, they leave, we stave five minutes later to make it look less suspicious. The most important things we learned were that they are looking for me, Alex, and sadly, my sister. They'll have some ceremony, their meeting up next Sunday, and this Sunday they are coming here to gamble. The next room has games like pool, Foosball, darts, things like that. It's twenty dollars extra, and only two staff members are there to make sure things are in line. Staff never leaves that room, so we didn't bother to change their staff since Jackson and some old fart come out here all the time.

I get Alex, and she takes off the uniform to put on the other staff member, putting on her long sleeved black lacy shirt. Me and the guys do the same, Alex putting her cloths on after us. She uses some of her witch power to wake them up, and make them think that they totally didn't get knocked out. Soon we leave, Jackson shouting; "You still owe me a body shot, girly!" I put y arm around her, showing him to back the fuck off.

Alex swallows hard, I can feel it on the side of her neck. When we get outside, I take my arm off her. "I'll get my own ride there," She says quietly, and I'm the only one who hears her, after everyone notices' I stopped walking they do too. "I wanna go for a walk."

"Sorry, Sophia said we all have to show up there. Ask her when we get there, Alex." Logan sighs, kindly apologizing. Alex opens her mouth to say something, but doesn't say anything.  

We get a ride there, someone driving to pick us up. It's a special car, and I guess no one can see it when it parks. So when we're driving, no one can see us and we go right through traffic. Elkhart is full of supernaturals, I'd think they would all fly, I'm sure some can. I don't ask why. Alex used to know everything about Elkhart, now she's clueless. Alexandra Mae Rain barely remembers anything now. 

We share the information gathered with Sophia, Lucas sharing most of it. When we mention our names came out of their mouth, she looks at us, worried. I didn't think she could-at all- look worried or feel that way. I suppose I was wrong. Alex is mostly quiet, asking if she can go on a walk. Sophia says it's best that me and her stay here for today, but Friday and Saturday, we can get outside and do whatever we want. Rules are; Don't leave the state. After a mission, we're given time to cool off and relax, me and Alex really need that.

We were also given phones. They can't be tracked unless anyone has high tech equipment, and it's illegal for anyone else to have it but the government, so chances are that we won't get tracked by anyone. If we give our number away, anyone can read the texts, change the settings, and so on. So we can't go out giving it away. I hate this.

I try to stop Alex from marching in her room, or going anywhere. But when I yell her name, she ignores me and rushes to her room. I text her later. 

Leo: Hey, can we talk?

Alex: I'm sorry, no. I want to be left alone right now.

She always said that when we talked online. One time, actually a few, she told me when ever she says that, she's lying. She said she wants to talk to someone no matter what she's feeling, and I'm not going to forget that. 

Leo: You're lying, just come in my room and we can talk.

Alex: I don't want to talk to anyone, I'm not in a good mood, just please leave me alone. Maybe I'll come in later.

A light bulb goes off in my head.

Leo: That bet we made during Titanic? Yeah, I've got one. Since you lost, I have to take you out on a date. Tomorrow. My treat, and I'll pick where we're going.

That was a daring move I made, but I didn't really regret it until afterwards. I almost say never mind, but she replies.

Alex: Fine.

I remember places while on the bus, not the entire ride, but the nice places I saw. I saw a bridge that crossed over a river, and underneath is a steep concrete hill to right under the bridge. It's right next to a park, and I saw a big ditch. It would be a perfect place if there was somewhere to sit under the bridge, and there was in California, so I'm sure there is here. Maybe the waterfall me and Makayla went to, or the beach, I don't know where I'll take her. 

Author's note: Finishing this on 3-23-16. Daym, took longer than I thought I'd take. I've done a lot of editing and re-reading things, so hopefully the grammar and stuff is okay. 

Pain ( Darkmore series #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz