"Ah, new blood. This your first time in Durango?" The bartender asks me, leaning an elbow against the counter.

"Yes, how did you know?" I respond.

"I know everyone in this town. Everyone shows up here sooner or later."

That strikes me as strangely odd, but I say nothing.

"Where do you come from?" The guy asks.

"Denver." I don't miss a beat. I've had my fair share of learning how to lie to others. I've become quite good at it, though I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing in the long run.

"I see. Do you want a drink?"

For a moment, I ponder it. But Jess's words from earlier ring clearly through my head. We're not here to go crazy...

"No, thanks." I respond, smiling weakly at him.

"No hard feelings, bro." He says. "My name's Xavier. You are...?"

"Lucas." I nod once at him. "It's nice to meet you."

It's funny how as a thief, I've become extremely good at small things, like becoming light on my feet, or, in this case, lying. Yet I still have problems with remembering. Before my life turned upside down—when I still went to school like a normal kid—I would forget what I had for breakfast. It's something that I've never given much thought to... until I have to remember something, of course.

Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to ask if anyone's seen a black car drive straight out of the forest.

"Um, are you talking to me?" Xavier asks. I snap out of my daze, recognizing that I've been staring right at him with a strange look on my face for the last thirty seconds. And of course, I had to have accidentally spoken out loud.

"Sorry." I apologize, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands. "I guess I'm more tired than I thought. But I do have a few questions for you. Is it alright if I ask them?"

"Shoot." Xavier agrees and shrugs.

"You haven't by chance heard of a black car that randomly drove out of the forest a few days ago, have you?"

Xavier thinks for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope. It's not ringing a bell."

Figures. Right when I need information, I can't have it.

"You don't know anything?" I press.

"Nope. Sorry, dude."

I just shrug. A stretch of silence falls between us and I absentmindedly trace the lines in the counter with my finger. When I eventually glance up again, I'm surprised to see that Xavier hasn't moved, but his expression has changed. His eyes are wide with question, and his face is dangerously pale.

"Are you okay?" I inquire. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Xavier slowly pulls himself out of whatever trance he's in, before meeting my eyes. "My apologies. This probably makes me sound like a stalker, but is there a chance you know that girl with the blue hair over there? She's dancing with the blond guy. Austin, I think his name is."

Girl with the blue hair.


"Yeah, actually, I do." I say slowly, drawing out my words with careful dignity. "Why?"

Xavier's brows furrow, and for a moment, a flicker of anger passes across his face, though it's gone almost as soon as it appears.

"She's bad news. If she's close to you, I recommend getting the hell away."

"Um...why?" My heart is thumping rhythmically in my chest to the beat of the loud music playing. I can hear the blood pounding in my ears. What could she have done to make this random bartender afraid of her? What could she have done to make him angry?

"That girl is trouble." Xavier says finally. "And when she goes for the kill, don't say I didn't warn you."

My head starts to throb with the beginning signs of a headache. What does he mean she's trouble? She's one of the most harmless people I've ever met in my life!

I'm supposed to be having fun, I realize, not stressing myself out over something that is probably not even remotely true.

But I can't get it out of my head. She has been avoiding me lately. Is there something she's hiding from me? Is she lying to me? It's kind of amusing how I find it easy to lie to other people, but when other people lie to me, it suddenly become horrendous.

The spot between my eyes starts to hurt, and I rub my forehead anxiously. What am I going to do about this? Or better yet, what can I do?

Nothing. Nothing yet.


I'm so overwhelmed at the moment. All I want to do is find a bed and hide under the covers. But would that provide as much cover as I need at the moment?

Reaching across the counter, I tap Xavier's arm. He turns. My voice is rough like I just woke up, but I pay it no mind as I say something I know I'm probably going to regret later.

"I'll take you up on that offer. Gimme a drink."


Sooo... what do y'all think about my first Alix POV chapter? Yay? Nay? Do you have more questions than answers?

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Subject #013 | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora