Chapter Twenty Seven - Wings

Start from the beginning

"Be good" Callum whispered into my ear before a thick wind whirled around me signalling that he was gone

I opened my eyes and was left standing alone outside of the front door. My heart was beating erratically in my chest and I could feel my breathing coming out short and incomplete

I pushed open the door to the house and walked inside to find Clu spread across Callum's lounge, flicking through blurred channels

I walked towards him and sat down on my own lounge, the one that had become my bed within the last week and a half

"Only two channels work out here" I told him as he cursed at the ones that didn't

"Which ones?" He asked, his tone flat and frustrated

"Five, which is the western channel and 7 which is mostly lame documentaries" I shrugged

"Damn" He mumbled, switching it to channel 7

"So what have you and Callum been doing out here the whole time then?" He asked, turning his gaze on me

"Watching westerns, eating leftovers, nothing fun really" I shrugged again

He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked "That it?"

I was surprised at his sudden change of character. When I had first met him, he was quiet, gentle, respectful, nothing like the character he was playing now

"Yeah.." I trailed off, not quite sure what he was getting at

"Callum didn't pull any moves on you, show you what the difference between Vamp lovers and Angel lovers were like?" He winked, instantly putting me on edge, uncomfortable

"No" I snapped

"Shame" He shrugged, facing the TV again as I narrowed my eyes on him

"I think I might go now, I need to get ready, see what's going on" I spoke, standing up as I edged quickly to get out of the house

"How far is it? Just in case I need to find you" Clu spoke, turning his body towards me

"Not far, just up the next few hills, through some brush" I answered, not wanting him to follow or turn up and disrupt me

"Alrighty, be careful" He smiled wide before turning back towards the TV programme

Suddenly I realised that Clu, wasn't much of a 'protector'. He should have been blacklisted for this type of thing.

Making it out of the house without any further awkward interactions with Clu was a relief.
I walked up the trail, using the phone Callum had given me before he left as a light source, that and the full moon that hovered high above.

It took me about half an hour, my adrenaline high, my nerves higher, the only thing I could hear was the sound of my own heart beating and my rigid breathing.

This was it. This was it. This was it.

I found my spot on the grass and sat down to feel the cold push through my jeans into my skin. I pulled my hood over my head to protect me from the wind that rushed past in bouts. I took a deep breath in, and told myself that if I let my emotions get in the way, I would be pulled from the fight. I needed to focus, I needed to be strong, I needed to be strong like Callum, Duke and the rest were. If they could do it, I could do it.

I took one last look at the moon and closed my eyes. I let my emotions go, I had already wept too many tears. I imagined what it was going to be like once this was over, I thought about my goals as a blood donor, I thought about Jaymi and Riley becoming a family. I pictured their faces when they thanked me for having given them the opportunity to be a full and whole family.
Finally, I thought of Duke's face. His smile, his eyes, the moment he had kneeled down in front of me as he asked me to become his wife.

The Immortal Cure - Series Two Where stories live. Discover now