Chapter Twenty Seven - Wings

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Time flew fast, faster than I had wanted it to. We were about an hour away from what would change our lives forever.
I knew it was going to be tough, I knew something bad was going to happen, but my feelings were just feelings, they weren't always right. There was a chance, things could go downhill, people would die, I would die. But there was also that chance that everyone would be okay, unharmed, and Ty Alex and this mystery man were destroyed.

I wasn't worried about me, sure, I could be found, killed, but as long as I knew my family and friends were okay, I would be okay with it.

I was pacing the living room, the small space not quite quenching my thirst for adrenaline release. Callum was sitting on the couch, his leg tossed up on the coffee table as he chewed his nails. He was nervous, just as nervous as I was, if not more, he just didn't show it.

"You're making me dizzy" Callum mumbled through his fingers in his mouth

"You're going to get wrinkled fingers" I shot back

We both smiled, but didn't stop our habits

This continued on for about the next half hour. We probably should have been practising or talking about exactly how it was going to go down, but the truth was, we could talk all we wanted, it wasn't going to happen the way we wanted it. We weren't going to prepare for something that you couldn't really prepare for.

"I know this is probably an uncomfortable question" I began, turning to Callum in the middle of the room "But what's the easiest way to kill an Angel? And what strength do they have that's the hardest to avoid?" I asked

Callum stopped chewing his fingers and looked at me, half surprised

"It can happen as simply as it can to kill a human. It's just extremely difficult to get a hold of us, we are tactile, fast, not as fast as some Vampires, but fast. We are logical and can read a persons body language better than a retired FBI agent can" He explained, giving me full access

"So it should be somewhat easy to kill an Angel once you get a grip of them?" I asked, picking up my pacing again

"Yeah" Callum shrugged "But like I said, we know how to avoid people, Vampires, we've been doing it as long as they have"

"So I guess you are our 'secret weapon'" I used air bubbles, making bunny ears with my fingers

"How so?" Callum asked, his eyebrows creasing in the light glow of the lamp around us

"You are just like them, you'll be able to catch them because you're built just like them, you know the tricks, I bet you're faster than them, are you older?" I asked, curious

"I am, and I will have a better chance at catching them than the Vamps will, but that doesn't mean that I'm stronger than them, they're built on rage" He answered watching me like a tennis match

"Teamwork is key, you catch them, Duke and the others can take them out?" I suggested desperately

Callum raised his eyebrows and smiled

"Something like that" He shrugged after a moments silence

I realised that I had stopped my pacing, standing in the middle of the room, staring at Callum

"What time is Clu supposed to be here?" I changing subject

"In about ten minutes" He replied, pulling out his phone as he clicked a few buttons and stared intently at the screen

"What is it?" I asked, knowing he was reading a message as his eyes skimmed over it like a book

"Duke wants you to keep my phone on you while we are gone, just in case" He replied as he held the phone out towards me.

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