"Hey Lucas." Her booties hit the floor as she moved towards the pile of sodas and water. Why is he so cute? Wait, what? No Lucas Friar gross!

"I'll get it." The quarterback kneeled down to the ground and picked up 3 cases of 48 packs of water bottles with ease. "Where do you need 'em?"

Her finger gestured to the table behind her, "thanks. I just, didn't want any drinks to spill when you're crawling over each other for food."

"Drinks that aren't open?" His green eyes brightened as he set them back down. Don't look at his muscles, don't look at his arms.

She squinted her eyes shut, "yeah um, did not think that through. Which is usually the exact opposite of what I do. That's probably why you're in the top 5 of our class." Lucas quickly put the rest of the drinks where she wanted and grinned. "Thank you. Good luck tonight." She gave one last smile as she left the film room.

He sighed and tried to figure out why he couldn't get her to stay. Every single time she left, and being a lady killer himself it was something completely out of the ordinary. "RILEY!" He sprinted into the hallway and jumped in front of her. "Hey Riley."


"Um," he gulped, "did you get invited to the par-" Her ringtone of Monster by Skillet interrupted him.

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster.

"I'm sorry, just one second." Saved by the bell.

Hey peaches, been meaning to ask you. Well tell you.
Tell me what?
You're coming to the party with me tonight.
Maya, why? So I can be your DD?
I'm not going to drink a lot, I won't get sloppy because Josh will be there.
See if Josh can take you, and bring you back to my place.
I need a wing woman.
I can't be a wing woman, I barely have a wing!
You're going end of discussion. Love you bye!

"MAYA! And she hung up." The brunette heard the quarterback snicker, "sorry about that. What'd you need?"

"Did you get an invite to the party?" Lucas found himself fidgeting with his hands, he wasn't sure why though. What was he up to? SPILL FRIAR!

Her head flicked to the right to move her bangs, "yes. Well not necessarily an invite, I just got told that I was going. My best friend-"


The brunette cocked her head to the side, so that's why he wanted me to go tonight. Everyone knew that there was a brunette running around with the blonde. He was interested in Maya, it made sense she wasn't invisible and she was gorgeous. "Yeah she'll be there tonight."

"Are you?"

"RILEY!" She spun on her heels and Coach Rutherford was gesturing for her.

"I've got to go." Her hand moved to wave and her curls bounced as yet again, she was leaving. Why do I feel slightly disappointed that he's interested in Maya?


"I know something you don't know." Riley joked with a sarcastic smile.

Maya squinted her eyes and dropped her feet off of the dash. "Peaches, you and I don't have secrets. SPILL! Spill now!"

The brunette tousled her hair and came to a halt at the light. "I think Lucas has a little crush on you."

"Lucas? Cowboy Lucas? Huckleberry? Ranger-"

"YES!" She exclaimed before she kept going. "After I got off the phone with you, I told him my best friend was forcing me to go to this stupid thing and he knew who you were immediately."

Obscurity. Rucas. GMW CHOICE AWARD WINNER!Where stories live. Discover now