Chapter 5: The Meeting

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-Y/N's Pov-

A few days later, I received a text from Aphmau, who had become a good friend of mine after the past few weeks of me living in the neighborhood.


A: Hey. I'm inviting some friends over for a My Little Horsies marathon. Wanna come?

Y: Sure! I'd love to! Who all's coming?

A: It's just gonna be you, me, and Zane. Most of my friends aren't cool enough to watch My Little Horsies lol

Y: Zane watches My Little Horsies?!

A: He sure does!

Y: He just became twice as cool in my book. Just saying. And feel free to tell him I said that.

A: Lol I will. Be here in around 5 mins, K?

Y: K. Cya then!

A: Cya!

I'd been in my house all day, so I was still in my pajamas. I quickly put on some jeans and a T-shirt, brushed my crazy hair that never cooperated, and walked over to Aphmau's house. I knocked on the door, and Aphmau answered it.
"Hey, Y/N! Glad you could be here! Come on in!" she said, opening the door wider so I could enter. I walked in and sat on the couch next to Zane. Aphmau sat on the other side of me.
"Hey, Zane," I said.
"H-hey, Y/N," he replied. I dimly wondered why he'd stuttered, but I decided not to ask. Aphmau hit the play button on the remote, and we all watched My Little Horsies together.


We'd been watching My Little Horsies for about an hour or so, and I was starting to feel a bit sleepy. Eventually, I accidentally fell asleep on Zane.

-Zane's POV-

As we were watching My Little Horsies, Y/N fell asleep. On me. I felt my face heat up, turning pink, and prayed to Irene that Aphmau didn't notice either of those things. If she did, she didn't show it. After a while, I dozed off, accidentally cuddling with Y/N.

-Aphmau's POV-

The second I saw Zane was finally asleep, along with Y/N, I fangirled as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake them. I took a picture using my phone and went upstairs to let them have their time cuddling on the couch. Huehuehuehuehue!


-Y/N's POV-

I woke up in unfamiliar territory. I realized that I was on Aphmau's living room couch, and I had fallen asleep on someone. I looked over and gasped. I felt my face heat up, probably bright red. I'd fallen asleep on Zane!
He began to wake up, so I pretended to still be asleep, simply because I had no idea what to do in this situation.
He chuckled nervously and poked me.
I made a face and looked at him, pretending to have just woken up. I saw he was pink, blushing. I felt my face heat up even more and sat up.
"S-sorry," I managed to say. He laughed nervously.
"I-it's fine," he said. We both looked at each other for a few seconds, and then looked away. I heard giggling from the stairs. We looked and saw Aphmau just sitting on the steps, smiling. "Good morning, you two. Did you have fun cuddling?" She asked. I managed to do the impossible and blush even more. Zane did pretty much the same, but it was harder to tell if he was blushing, since he kept most of his face hidden.
"Aphmau!" he snapped. She giggled and yelled, "Good thing I got a picture, too!"
This seemed to infuriate Zane.
"That's it! Get over here, young lady!" He yelled, and began chasing Aphmau through the house. He eventually caught up to her and took her phone.
"Gimme that back!" she yelled.
"Not unless you PROMISE not to post that picture anywhere," he said.
She sighed and replied, "Alright, fine." He gave her the phone back.
"But I ship it!"
Before Zane could react to that statement, Aphmau booked it to her room and locked the door. Zane growled. I couldn't help but giggle. He just sighed and sat back down on the couch.
"Aphmau's my friend and all, but man, she can be annoying sometimes," he said. I chuckled.
"Well, I better be going. I have to go to work soon," I said after checking the time on my phone. "Where'd you get a job at?" He asked.
I smiled and said,"The same place you got a job offer from." He made a face.
"You got a job at the maid cafe?"
"Sure did!"
"Well then... I'm not surprised you got the job, considering..."
He turned pink again and didn't finish his sentence.

-Zane's POV-

"You got a job at the maid cafe?"
"Sure did!"
"Well then... I'm not surprised you got the job, considering..."
I almost said, "considering the fact that you're so kawaii," but I stopped myself and felt my face heat up for the millionth time today.
"Considering what?"
"... d-don't you have to go to work or something?"
I was pretty much trying to save myself from even more embarrassment at this point. Her eyes widen.
"That's right! I better hurry! Cya, Zane."
She hurried out the door. I sighed. Do... Do I have a crush on Y/N? No! That can't be possible... Could it? I sighed again. Emotions are so confusing! Ugh...
I eventually just got up off the couch and went home.

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