Chapter 8

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We're leaving the park, and going back to Greg and Lisa's. We pass an ice cream store, and Molly begs to go in. I finally say yes, and we walk in. She gets ice cream, and I get a shake. We continue the drive home, and finally get there. Molly wants to get a tour of the house, so Josh and Greg take her, while Lisa and I make dinner. I love her accent.
"So, what did you and Molly do today?"
"We went to the park and got ice cream." I say, while making a salad.
"That's nice, you know, I'm really excited for the baby."
"Me too!"
We finish cooking, and set the table.

Josh's P.O.V
"And this was your daddy's bedroom." My dad says to Molly.
She runs in, and starts jumping on the bed.
"Molly, get down here!" I say laughing.
"NO!" She says and pouts her lip.
"TIME FOR DINNER!!" I hear Colleen shout.
"Hey Molly, if you come down now, after dinner we can watch funny videos of your daddy, and eat lots of candy." My dad says.
She immediately comes down, and runs downstairs. She sits down next to Colleen, and Colleen gets her food.
Colleen's P.O.V
We just finished dinner, and are watching home videos of Joshua, and eating candy. Greg and Lisa are on one end of the couch, and me and josh are in the middle, sharing a tiny blanket. Molly is on the other end, about to fall asleep. I quietly get up, and walk behind the couch to where Molly is.
"TICKLE MONSTER!" I shout, lifting her up and tickling her.

Time skip

Its about midnight, so we walk upstairs and put Molly in bed. She fell asleep in two seconds, and it was so cute. I can't wait for her to have a little brother or sister.

Adopted Into The Joshleen Family {Sequel to Take It To Go}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu