Chapter 26

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I smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles in my black dress as I look in the mirror. Today is the day we bury my friend. Today is the day we bury Solomon. It's been three days since he used the remaining strength he had to show Derek and I a vision of what She has issued our next venture to. A quest to find someone. A seer. Solomon's descendant. It's been three days. Tears being to blur my vision and I hug myself as a sob racks my body. The heartache of losing someone is painful, but the heartache of losing someone who's shown you who you are meant to be, who has been the light in a very dark room, who's hand you held when they took their last breath. That pain is unbearable, and I'm supposed to be able to witness more lives lost? The prophecy said there will be war. How can I bare more death when this pain I feel is so crippling? A pair of warm arms wrap around me and I feel comfort surge through the familiar bond we've shared since birth.

"Solomon was a close friend to us both. We will honor him today," Oliver consoles softly as I cry harder. My brother sought after Solomon when he found out the blood of Essence was going to be resurrected. He wanted to educate himself on what to expect and quickly became friends with the old man. He grew on everyone. "Derek told me about the vision," he says softly and I pull back from him as I wipe away my remaining tears. "What do you think it means," he asks and I take a deep calming breath. Oliver is my twin and we share a bond nobody can sever, not even through death. His presence will always calm me.

"We have to seek out this seer if we are to have any hope for our future litter. She will be on our side," I say giving him a synopsis of what Solomon told me. Oliver's forehead creases as he thinks.

"Do you know where to find her," he asks and I smirk. He's thinking like a Beta.

"Solomon had some visions beforehand and mapped everything out. He wrote down every single detail Mother gave him, and his final task was to use the last of his energy to show Derek and I the final vision Mother wanted us to see," I explain causing Oliver to sit down. It's definitely a lot to take in. I found all of this out yesterday when I could finally stomach being in Solomon's room to go through his things. Everything I needed was bound in a journal, even things irrelevant to finding this seer. Things about the future. Things about the past. Things about me.

"When are you leaving," he asks and I stiffen, cautious to make sure nobody is eavesdropping. My ladies, Aria and Olivia, and some deumaul enforcers will be going to seek her out after the funeral. Even little Noah and Lucas are coming, but our departure is tomorrow morning for anyone else asking. Derek doesn't want us to risk being ambushed, so we have the element of surprise, but this seer lives in the outskirts of the lands in a mountain. Solomon drew a very detailed map as a guide.

"After the burial," I whisper and Oliver nods his head. Because she's one of my ladies, Ophelia is coming along, but I told her not to let Oliver know about our departure. I wanted to tell him myself because I specifically requested her to come. Everyone joining is going to be of great value to finding this seer. Solomon instructed these people come in his journal. "He foretold it Ollie. Everyone coming must be in present or things could go wrong and the vision could go in a different direction," I remind him. Solomon has always told us the visions he has are going to happen, but only in favor of what you're seeking if they're done precisely as foretold by Mother.

"I know," he sighs and I relax a little knowing he won't fight me on this. There's a soft knock on the door and Derek is standing there with a sorrowful smile on his face.

"It's time," he says softly and I nod my head quickly joining his side and Oliver tails behind us. Today Derek and I aren't going to Solomon's funeral as King and Queen. Today we are going as two people mourning the lost of a close friend.

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