"With all due respect Queen Alaceia, none of this would be happening if it weren't for the blood of Essence running through your veins," he says defiantly looking me head on. Derek rises out of his seat and I hold my hand up to keep him at bay. This alpha needs to be taught a lesson in respect. His gaze is unwavering as he and I battle for dominance. He's assuming since I'm female I'll bow to him in submission, but he's sadly mistaken. I bow only to Mother. I feel all of the power She has blessed me with rush through my veins and smirk as the scent of his fear and uneasiness becomes stronger.

"The blood of Essence isn't a curse. You should know that," I say smirking. Alpha Yelverton immediately drops his gaze in submission, but the stink of his betrayal is heavy. Abernathy, see to it that Yelverton is held in a dungeon where even Her eye won't fucking reach him. I say through the mind-link and immediately Thomas enters the room with two guards accompanying him. The Alphas of the land remain quiet as they watch Alpha Yelverton be carried away in silver cuffs.

"Betrayal of any kind will be found no matter how hard you try to hide it. We do not wish for any of this to happen, but Mother has made it clear that peace will be brought under our reign. We can only do as She commands," Derek says earning head bows from all of the men. "Prepare your enforcers and trackers, increase your border detail, and keep us updated at all times. Two royal enforcers will be appointed to your lands for extra security and training," he orders and they all bow before they are dismissed. I sit back in my chair and try to calm Novena. There's a fox in the hen house and she's ready to hunt.


"My queen it looks like Prince Noah possesses deumaul blood of the fire and earth element as Mother and Prophecy have foretold," Solomon says with a happy glint in his eyes. He has been confined to his chambers for the past week. The old man tires out easily so I feel it's best to come to him when we need him, and not summon him.

"Will it be hard to contain his abilities? He almost set his room on fire while fussing. I don't want him setting the entire castle aflame," Derek says causing both Solomon and I to chuckle. Containing his abilities and he isn't even one is a lot of work and very pointless. Noah will look two by the time he's one. That's the time to teach him control.

"You cannot contain the abilities the blood has given him, but you can take extra precaution and safety proof his room with specks of silver in the walls. It will not weaken him, but it will weaken his abilities. Lord Oliver has done it for his and Lady Ophelia's young pup," Solomon says warily. He shivers slightly before his eyes begin to turn silver.

"Solomon," I rasp and he immediately grabs my hand as a blinding white lights takes my sight.


I'm standing in a doorway of a white room. There's tiny whimpering noises and I immediately rush to a baby crib. There's a litter of three pups with dark brown fur and one white one. All of them with gold embellishments around their paws. I try to reach out to them to silence their cries, but it's as if I'm unable to reach them. I begin to cry as their sobs become louder. I try to reach into the crib again, but the further I reach the louder they cry. I still don't stop reaching and soon a hand reaches out and grabs mine. I pull her up and I'm met with the face of a beautiful woman.

"Seek her," I hear before I'm consumed by darkness.

I open my eyes and Derek and I are both holding onto Solomon's hands.

"A seer is what you must find. If you want to save your litter you must find that girl," Solomon breathes out before his legs give way. I immediately catch him before he reaches the ground. I focus on his faint heartbeat as I take him to his bed. Mother is about to take him. I can sense it.

"I'll alert Sonya and Vincent," Derek says leaving me with Solomon. I make him comfortable as he breathes deeply. I will myself not to cry, but it's hard. Solomon has quickly weaved himself into my heart, and he's taught me so much about who I am destined to be. How can I let him go? What will I know to do? As if reading my mind Solomon grips my hand softly.

"My time is coming child, but do not fret. The seer you find will be of my bloodline. She will guide you as I have. Mother will use her as a vessel as she has used me. You two will become the closest of friends as you and I have," he breathes out. Tears begin to slowly escape my eyes as his words touch me. "It has been an honor to see the resurrection of the most honorable Orion," he says before the breath leaves his body and his silver orbs disappear behind his weathered eyelids. He's gone. He is with Mother now.

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