chapter 10 - Wicca Envy

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Day One

Night - Halliwell Mansion - Foyer

Prue, Phoebe and Parker walked in with shopping bags.

Piper walked in with them in her work clothes, presumably just coming home from Quake.

"I don't know, Phoebe," Prue told her. "The Betsy Johnson dress may be a bit too much for work."

"That's what a new wardrobe's all about," Phoebe told them. "Pushing the limit."

"Yeah, and stretching the budget," Prue told them. "Where's Poppy?"

They heard laughing, seeing Leo and Poppy run in.

The sisters were in shock.

Piper gasped, freezing Leo.

The sudden freeze caused Poppy to trip over Leo's leg that was slightly in the air, making her slide across the floor toward her sisters' feet.

Poppy looked up at Piper in complain. "Oh, my God, Piper. Ow." The sisters put down the things they were holding, helping Poppy stand. "Are you trying to embarrass me?"

"Of course, she may have other things on her mind, like having her way with the handyman," Phoebe told them.

Poppy pointed at Prue, Phoebe and Parker. "I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping." She pointed at Piper. "I thought you had a late shift at Quake."

"Obviously," Prue told her.

Piper noticed Poppy's shirt unbuttoned. "Ooh, look, front clasp bra. She means business."

"Serious business," Parker agreed, going to poke Poppy.

Poppy nudged Parker's hand away, closing her shirt. "Do you mind?"

"No," Parker answered. "I think it's great. As long as he's not still on the clock."

"That's what I mean," Poppy told them. "He's gonna unfreeze soon."

Piper sighed. "She's right. I never know how long this thing lasts." 

Poppy looked at the shopping bags on the floor. "How much did you guys spend?"

"Lots," Parker answered. "Prue's new look is perfect for an SHW."

"SHW?" Piper repeated.

"Single Hot Witch," Parker answered.

Prue nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Prue, are you sure this isn't depression buying, you know, post-breakup?" Piper asked.

Phoebe reached into one of Prue's bags, taking out some red, sexy lingerie out to show them. "Does this look like something a depressed woman would would wear?"

Prue looked at Poppy teasingly. "Maybe you should borrow it."

Poppy was still flustered and embarrassed. "Okay, time's up. You gotta go." She pushed them into the living room, sliding their bags in there with them. "Go, go in there and be quiet."

"We will if you will," Phoebe told her.

Poppy walked out of their eyeline, embarrassed and trying to hide a blush, walking over to Leo, standing where she had been standing.

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