chapter 1 - Something Wicca This Way Comes

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Day One - Night

Witch's Apartment

A blonde witch put down a bowl of food for her cat, later known as Kit. "Come on, baby. Good girl." She walked over to her altar, lighting the cadles with just a touch of her finger. Someone was watching her from outside the window. The witch started a spell. "Ancient one of the earth so deep, master of moon and sun. I shield you in my wiccan way, here in my circle round, asking you to protect this space, and offer your sun force down." The person from outside walked up behind her. The witch turned around. "What are you doing here?"

The person there pulled out a knife, plunging it into the witch's stomach.

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The Halliwell manor was a place that had been in the family for years.

And the sisters living inside were only about to find out what that family really was.

The four sisters already there were Prue, Piper, Parker and Poppy. The sister missing at the moment was Phoebe.

Prue was the oldest, the one that took charge and took care of her little sisters, practically raising them.

Piper was the second oldest. She was more laid back and kind and easygoing.

Phoebe was the one that was mostly laid back, irresponsible and always on the move. She and Prue didn't get along all that well.

Parker and Poppy were twins, the youngest ones out of the sisters.

Parker was more edgy and laid back than Poppy was. She had purple highlights in her hair.

Poppy was sweet and caring, the peacemaker through all of her sisters in case a fight were ever to stir.

But when the sisters got what was in store for them, they weren't always going to be like this forever.

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Halliwell Manor - Dining Room

Piper walked into the Halliwell manor. "Prue?"

"In here, working on the chandelier," Prue told her.

Prue was in the dining room, working on the chandelier, as she had said.

Parker and Poppy were taking off their graduation gowns and caps.

Piper walked closer. "Sorry I'm late."

"What else is new?" Parker asked.

"Piper, I would have been here to meet the electrician myself, but you know I can't leave the museum until six," Prue told her. "I didn't even have time to change."

"We didn't realize that our graduation would be postponed due to the raging storm outside," Poppy told them.

Parker shook out her hair, looking at the purple highlights. She looked toward the phone. "Did Jeremy call?"

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