‘Pray tell what you and our hostess have so much to talk about?’ Lady Carissa tucked her arm in Fallon’s and led her to the drinks station.

I suspect she has the desire that I become her grand daughter-in-law…if only.

‘Oh nothing much,’ Fallon laughed.  ‘She spoke of the weather, how good the buffet is,’ Fallon sipped her punch, ‘and how delighted she was that the Duke of Baxendale had accepted her invitation at such short notice.’

‘Really?’ Carissa was amazed.  ‘I had the distinct feeling she could not stand His Grace.’

‘Do you honestly believe anybody would get an invitation, if the dowager did not want them on her estate?’  Fallon ventured, biting on a cherry from her fruit punch.

‘True,’ Carissa was thoughtful.  ‘She does not suffer fools,’ she whispered.

 ‘Especially any debutants, who harbour the thought of throwing their handkerchiefs in the direction of her grandson,’ Fallon added.

‘I guess you are safe,’ Carissa laughed, ‘since you do not hide your dislike of Hampton.’

Fallon almost choked on her glass of punch.

‘Oh dear, are you okay?’  Carissa gently tapped Fallon’s back.

Fallon nodded, as she coughed and sputtered, trying to right her breathing.

‘Speaking of the devil, he is approaching,’ Carissa whispered with a naughty smile.

‘I suppose he wants to dance with you,’ Fallon got out, with a strained voice and almost teary eyes.

‘May I have the next dance, Lady Fallon?’

Both ladies were surprised, thinking it was Lady Carissa he wanted to dance with.  Carissa’s eyes pleaded with Fallon to just agree to Braeden’s request.

‘No, I am promised to the duke,’ she lied.

Carissa‘s accusing eyes berated her friend.  She knew Fallon was lying.

As if on cue, and much to Fallon’s delight, the duke straddled towards her.  ‘Ah your grace, you are just in time.’  Fallon practically dragged him by the arm to the dance floor.

‘Lady Carissa,’ Braeden bowed humbly.  ‘If you will indulge a gentleman’s wounded ego,’ he extended an arm out to her.

Carissa laughed softly and set her glass down.  ‘Of course my lord,’ she placed her hand in his.

‘So tell me Lord Hampton,’ Carissa grinned, ‘why is it that you and the enchanting Lady Fallon are always at loggerheads?’ She asked conversationally, as they waltzed around the dance floor.

‘”Always?”’ Braeden smiled, faking a solicitous look.  ‘Lady Fallon complimented me earlier, on how well dressed she thought I looked.’

Carissa laughed loudly.  ‘My friend actually paid you a compliment?’

‘I know, hard to believe right?’  Braeden retorted, as he expertly led Carissa around the room.

‘As hard as it is to imagine, that it will never snow in London,’ she murmured unbelievingly.

‘Some things do boggle the mind,’ Braeden grinned.

‘Apparently so,’ her eyes teased.  She tried to bait him, but Braeden was not going to reveal anything to Carissa.  So they continued the rest of their dance in silence.

‘I had approached you in the hope of asking you to accompany me into the garden,’ the duke murmured as he twirled Fallon around.  ‘The full moon is out.  It is lovely outside.’

The Rebellious Lady Fallon: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now