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The house sold quickly so Sylvia turned in her notice. She and her parents were occupied with packing and loading the truck they had rented so she was glad that she was not expected to work over one week. Soon it was all finished and they were saying goodbye to their home and the rink which had given Sylvia so many hours of pleasure as well as the boost which led to her winning the gold. It had been an exciting life but a new life was on the horizon and there was no telling what it would bring.

Even though she was out of work for a couple of months Andrew made sure that she was kept busy. He always needed her to do something for him. At first he put her to work choosing a color scheme, and then he gave her the job of overseeing the painters and the men who installed the floors. After that he had her chose the color and style of the shelves which would hold the skates. The primary colors were white, and gold. All the fixtures were gold plated metal. The counters and shelves were in a glossy white. The floor was hard wood with runners which had a diamond pattern and woven in white, gold, and browns. The rails around the ice rink were gold plated. Crystal chandeliers hung from one end of the rink to the other and gave the place a fairy tale appearance.

When the interior was finished he gave her a list of exercise equipment that needed to be ordered for the exercise room. He plopped a bunch of catalogues onto his desk where she was sitting and told her that that ought to keep her busy for a while. When she finished that he put her to work designing a logo and when she finished that he had her order some towels for the sauna with the logo monogrammed on them. The logo she came up with was of one male skate and one female skate imposed over a gold medal with the name of the rink, Solinski's Ice Palace, on the top of the medal above the skates.

A few months later Solinski's Ice Palace was ready to open. It was crowded the first day and continued to have a steady flow of patrons after that. Soon people were signing up for figure skating and ice waltzing classes. Sylvia was finally back to work; doing what she loved. They had hired another skater to teach ice waltzing. His name was Tyler Stevens. He was six feet and one inch in height, unusually tall for an ice skater, and had blonde hair and blue eyes. Needless to say the ladies were crazy about him so his class load was always full, with a waiting list a mile long. Andrew did not mind at first because the money helped pay his loan but when Sylvia seemed to be joining their ranks; for some reason that bothered him.

A year went by and Andrew's irritation with Tyler was getting steadily worse. The sad part about it was that there seemed to be no apparent reason for it. He was an excellent teacher and often had repeat students. It finally dawned on him when he found out that Sylvia was taking ice waltzing lessons. When he fussed at her for it, claiming that it could interfere with her technique because the two were so different, she told him that he sounded like a jealous boyfriend. That is when he realized that it was pure jealousy that was eating at him. He was in love with Sylvia. He did not say another word, but stomped away, to go and meditate on what he had just discovered about himself. Sometime later he apologized to her and everything was good between them again. He decided to back off and let Tyler and Sylvia have some space. However as time went by nothing seemed to develop between them. They seemed to have an easy friendship and that was all.

Sylvia had loved Andrew for a long time. When she realized that he was jealous over her friendship with Tyler it gave her reason to hope that he returned her feelings. She did everything she could to make sure that she and Tyler appeared to be no more than the friends that they were. She hoped that this would encourage Andrew to act on his feelings.

It was a wise thing to do because that is what Andrew did. He began by asking her out on a date and when she accepted, it gave him the courage to press forward and court her. A year later they were married. Sylvia had more than one dream come true for her and Andrew, he could not be happier.


Well, the end has finally come. I hope everyone has enjoyed the story as much as I have writing it. Don't forget to vote and comment for your favorite chapters. Happy reading, Tigger

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