Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Under Andrew Solinski's tutelage Sylvia bloomed as a singles skater. She worked hard at perfecting her Lutz jump and decided to learn the Axle. They were hoping that the Axle would help her win the Nationals because it was a difficult jump to master.

Andrew was tough, but always encouraging. He was firm when she messed up, but praised her when she did well. He would tell her; "Good try, do it again, or you are doing great." He was not a person who put people down when they messed up. He felt that he couldn't get the best out of his skaters if he was cruel and degrading like some coaches are. He sometimes had to be tough, that is natural but it could be done with firmness not cursing and name calling.

For the next few months Sylvia concentrated on practicing the moves they had chosen for her program that they had put together to prepare for the Nationals. She was making good progress and they were hopeful.

One day Sylvia had just finished practicing and was getting a drink of water when Andrew called her over to him. He said; "Ok, let's take it from the beginning but this time I want you to do the whole program, in order, to the music."

Sylvia was excited because this was going to be her first time putting it all together. When the music started she went flawlessly into her program. It did not hurt that she was skating to the music from the sound track of the movie "A Walk to Remember". This was one of her favorite movies and she knew the music by heart. She was so lost in the music that she did not have time to worry about her moves and she skated perfectly.

When Sylvia finished skating Andrew knew that they had chosen the right music and the right moves because he could see all her emotions coming out of her as she skated and there were no flaws. He was pleased and told her; "That was a beautiful and flawless performance. Skate the same way at the nationals and you may just get that medal."

Sylvia smiled and thanked him. She practiced a few more times and then went to the gym to do her cool down exercises. When she was finished with all her exercises she went home and took a quick shower, then went to eat supper with her parents. While they were eating she told them what Andrew had said about her performance. Her parents did not say anything until she was finished. Then her mother congratulated her and said that she looked forward to seeing her skate. Her father said with a sorrowful voice; "I am sorry that I am going to have to miss your performance. I was hoping to be there for your first performance at the nationals but unfortunately I have no choice. My boss needs me to go out of town and he would not take no for an answer. I hope you win that medal that you have always dreamed of for your dad. Just remember that I am with you in my heart and proud of you medal or not."

Sylvia was very disappointed that her dad could not make it. Her parents always came with her to give her support. This was going to be the first time that they were not going to be there as a family. At least her mom was still going to come and she was not going to be alone.

When Sylvia went to the rink the next day Andrew was already there and waiting for her. All she had to do was change because she had already finished her exercises at home.

Sylvia started off doing just a few single jumps to get into the swing of things. After she was warmed up she had Andrew turn on the music so that she could practice her long program. For this one she had chosen music from the cartoon "The Pink Panther". She always loved to watch it when she was little and went around humming the music. She even had it for her ring tone.

At the end of practice Andrew told her that she was doing very well, and to keep it up. Then he told her to get a good night's rest because they had a long day ahead of them tomorrow. He told her that she would be working on perfecting her Axle.

That night Sylvia dreamed that while doing the Axle she fell and broke her leg. She woke up with a start and beads of sweat were running down her face. After looking around her room, and down at herself, she realized that it was a dream. Relieved, she got up and went to the bathroom and washed her face and returned to bed. She put on her headphones and turned on some soothing music to try and go back to sleep. It worked, because after a few minutes she fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


Hope you all are enjoying the story. I am trying my hardest. Don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite chapters. Let me know what you all think about the story so far. Happy reading, Tigger

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