Start from the beginning

As they got closer we moved to meet them. I saw carol get off of Daryl's bike and Rick and Daryl clasped hands.

I went to hug him but was soon hugged by someone else. I noticed the black hair and knew it was Glenn. I hugged back tightly.

"Thank God your ok!" Glenn cried and I laughed. "I could say the same for you."

We let go and I moved to look at the man on the bike watching us intently. I smiled and moved towards him. He got off the bike and hugged me with no hesitation.

"Your ok." He whispered and I nodded "Yeah, and so are you." And he nodded back. We pulled apart and I smiled.

"Where'd you find everyone?" Rick asked. I turned to look at him, leaning against the car that was behind me.

"Well, this guys' tail lights were zigzaggin' all over the road. Figured he had to be Asian drivin' like that." Daryl joked, pointing to Glenn. I laughed.

"Good one." Glenn chuckles and I smiled.

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked Rick and I looked around.

Maggie, Beth and Hershek stood by the Car we drive here. Lori was with Rick and Carl. Daryl and Carol are standing by me. And Glenn and T-dog are standing by Glenn's car.

We're missing Jimmy who died saving Rick, Cark and I. Shane who Rick killed, for good reasons. Patricia, I don't know about her. And Andrea. Oh my god where's Andrea?

"We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick sighed. "Shane?" Lori asked. Rick and I looked at each other for a minute before he shook his head.

"Andrea?" Glenn asked. "She saved me then I lost her." Carol said and I looked at her. "We saw her go down." T said and I sighed shaking my head. I felt a hand on my back and knew it was Daryl.

"Patricia?" Hershel asked. "They got her to. Took her right from me." Beth said and started to cry.

"What about Jimmy?" She then asked, frantic to know if her boyfriend was alright. "He was in the RV. It got over run. I'm sorry." I said and she broke down.

"You definitely saw Andrea?" Carol asked and I looked back toward them. "There were walkers everywhere." Lori said, not really answering.

"Did you see her?" I asked and no one answered.

"Imma go back." Daryl said moving toward his bike. "I'll go to." I said and he nodded.

"No." Rick said and I stopped and looked at him. "We can just leave her."

"We don't even know if she's there." Lori said. "She isn't there, she isn't." Rick said. "She's either somewhere else or she's dead. There's no way to find her."

"So we're not even gonna look?" Glenn asked and I looked at Daryl. He seemed to be upset yet looked to know Rick was right. And he was, it was just hard.

"We need to move. There's walkers crawling all over the place." Rick said as a walker decided to show up.

"I say we head east. Stay off the main roads." T suggested. We all nodded.

"Bigger the roads the more walkers. More assholes like this one, I got him." Daryl said shooting the walker with his crossbow.

Everyone got in their cars. The Grimes, Carol and T-dog in the car Rick and I drove, the Greene's And Glenn in his car the Daryl and I on his bike.

We sat waiting g for everyone to get situated. I looked at his vest for the hundredth time.

"I like your vest." I said even though he probably figured that out. "You look like an angel." I smiled and he snorted.

Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now