Chapter 7

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Edited: 6/9/16

Yeah sleeping didn't last long. I slept for about a half hour before Carol's crying and Andrea fixing her gun woke me up.

Apparently Daryl couldn't sleep either because I saw him walk out. I got up from my uncomfortable position on the bench and grabbed my knife before following him.

"I'm goin' for a walk, shine the light into the forest, if she's out there it'll give her somethin' ta look at." Daryl said to Dale as I came out.

"I'll go to." I told him. He looked at as if debating whether or not I can go. "You'll be with me I'll be fine." I reassured him. At this he nodded and we started our journey.

It was quiet for a bit till I broke it. "Tell me something interesting." I said to him. I guess that's our saying.

He smiled a little and looked at me. "Not much ta tell." He said looking in front of him as we walked the woods. I looked at him with a 'really' look on my face. "I don't believe you."

He looked at me sideways with a look that gave me butterfly's. "Fine, I'd rather use a crossbow than a gun." He told me smirking, again butterfly's.

I looked at him with a bored expression. "Cool because I totally didn't know that." I said sarcastically. He laughed a bit then it went silent again.

"Ok I got somethin'." He said as if he found a gold coin. "Do tell." I said looking at him.

"I got lost when I was young like Sophia, actually I think I was younger." He started his story.

"Nine days in the woods eatin' berries, wipin' my ass with poison oak." He said which mad me giggle. He looked at me with the look I gave him earlier. "Sorry continue." I said. He laughed and continued

"My old man was hooking up with some waitress, Merle was in and out of jail, they didn't even know I was gone. Found my way back though, went straight to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich, and my ass itched something awful." He finished and I busted out laughing at the last part.

He looked at me and I tried to cover it up. "I'm sorry that is a terrible story." I said still giggling. We both started laughing after that.

"Difference is Sophia has people lookin' for her, I'd call that an advantage." He finished and I looked at him with sad eyes. He looked at me then looked away and it was silent again.

After a while of walking we heard a noise and Daryl immediately got in front of me. Aw he's so cute! wait what. I mean I know I like him but I need to calm myself.

Daryl walked forward a bit so I followed him. We came across a tent with stuff all around it. Then there was a rustle in the tree, we look up and there's a walker with a rope around its neck hanging there.

"What the hell?" I said looking at it as Daryl walked closer. I then saw a note on the tree, I'm guessing Daryl did to because he started reading it. "Got bit, fever hit, world went to shit, might as well quit." He read. Its a dark poem... nice. I'm disturbed.

"Dumb ass didn't know to himself in the head." Daryl said looking at the swinging walker. I noticed the walkers legs were eaten off. Ok ew that's gross walkers ate his legs that's...ew. "He swinging bait." I said with disgust.

"Come on let's head back." Daryl said walking away. Wait what.

"Aren't you going to..." I trailed off not knowing how to put it. "He ain't hurtin' nobody, no reason for wasting and arrow neither." He said, accent thick. "Fine." I muttered and started claiming the tree.

"What the hell are ya doin?" Daryl yelled at me as I got further up. "I'm going to do what you wouldn't." I smirked at him. he rolled his eyes and watched me climb making sure I wouldn't fall.

Once I got there I took my knife out of my shoe and stabbed the walker in the head. But my knife got stuck. Ok I need to stop plunging it in their heads.

I got it out but I lost my balance and fell. 'Fuck' I thought. I screamed and waited for the impacted of the ground. It never came though, instead I fell into arms. Rather big and muscular arms that I didn't mind touching. Ok I sound creepy. I looked up and saw Daryl looking at me with worry and a look I couldn't describe.

We stood there for a minute just looking at each other. He then looked away and put me down. He coughed and started walking away to the high way. I quickly followed him looking at him wondering what happened.

The walk back was silent between us. Once we got back Daryl went into the RV strait away. I looked up at Dale on top of the RV. "We didn't find her." I said climbing up the ladder.

"I figured that out." He said I nodded and sat down next to him. "I'll take watch." I told Dale. He nodded and got up the climbed down the ladder.


We drove up the next morning. I was on Daryl's motorcycle with Daryl, obviously. Andrea was in the car Shane fixed up and Dale and Carol in the RV.

Daryl stops the bike once we arrived. I jump off and walk over to everyone. I see Shane and notice he's bald, ew he looks like a creep now. But when I see everyone else I notice no Otis.

"How is he?" Dale asked Rick worried.

"He'll pull through." Lori answered for Rick with the biggest smile on her face. "Thanks to Hershel and his people."

"And, Shane if it wasn't for him we would of lost Carl." Rick cut Lori off looking at Shane. Shane just stood there awkwardly as if not wanting the appreciation. That's when I decided to ask "Where's Otis?" while looking strait at Shane.

"He didn't make it." Rick answered and I heard soft cries from Patricia. I kept looking at Shane wanting to know the story but he just avoided my gaze. He did something and I'm going to find out what.

Later on we had a funeral for Otis. We all put a rock on his grave, even thought he wasn't actually there, as Hershel recited words from the bible and a prayer.

"Shane would you speak for Otis?" Hershel asked looking at Shane.

"No I'm not good at it sorry." He said back.


"You shared his final moments, please." Patricia begged Shane with tears in her eyes.

Shane nodded and went into this bullshit story that I know wasn't true. After that the funeral ended and we started planning our search for Sophia.


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