Chapter 12

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I woke up to birds chirping and rosters crowing. I huffed and sat up. I rubbed my eyed and ran my fingers through my hair. I then changed my shirt to a plaid button up and put my boots on. I made sure to put my knife in my boot before heading out for the day.

The first thing I saw when I walked out was Carl walking with his mom over to the chicken coop. I smiled at how Carl was able to bounce back so quickly. He's a strong kid. Now we just need to find Sophia.

I then saw Andrea walk over to Daryl's tent with a book in her hand. I watched as she handed him the book. She walked out but stopped and looked back. she laughed then walked away.

Daryl is still not talking to me and its bugging the shit out of me. like what the hell did I do. the only conclusion I'm getting is A) we don't really know each other very well so we're pushing buttons and we don't even know it. or B) it's about what he was saying when I found him.

OR it could be both, I don't know but what ever it is I plan on talking to him tomorrow. today I have other plans.

I need to talk to Lori about the whole baby thing. I realized that she wouldn't be sure without a test there for Glenn knows.

I looked around for my Korean friend and after a few minutes found him looking at the barn with binoculars.

I quietly walked up behind him and when I was close enough I quickly pushed his back while yelling boo. Glenn jump about 10 feet before turning around and glaring at me. "you're so mean" he huffed then turned back around to look at the barn.

"Why are you watching the barn" I asked confused and pointed to Shane's binoculars. He turned around and looked at me with a nervous look. "no, no r-reason" he stuttered. I gave him the 'really' look and he huffed. "ok promise me you won't say anything" I nodded as if to say promise and he continued.

"There's walkers in the barn"

I looked at him wide eyed. "wait what, there's walkers in the barn" I hissed grabbing the binoculars and looking at the barn my self. "yeah" was all Glenn said.

"So there's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant, great, fun times" I said sarcastically. don't get me wrong, I think it's great Lori is having a baby it's just with how the world is she might not make it through the birth.

"Wait what, how did you-" I cut him off. "Lori told me" I then saw Maggie walking over to us with a fruit basket.

"Here enjoy" she spit glaring at me. "are you trying to by my silence with fruit" Glenn asked frustrated. Maggie looked at me then back to Glenn. "I know he told me" I said knowing what she was thinking. "seriously, I told you not to tell anyone" she about yelled at Glenn.

"Well there shouldn't be anything he needs to keep secret giving the fact that there shouldn't be walkers in the barn in the first place" I said crossing my arms. she just rolled hers eyes and walked away.

"I suck at lying April, what am I going to do" Glenn panicked while shaking my shoulders. "well first you're going to stop shaking me" I said and he stopped and said sorry. "and second" I picked up the basket of fruits and I think there might even be jerky. I'm got to have to steal that later. "You're going to go pass fruit out to the group" I said and grabbed the jerky and two peaches. "while I go talk to Lori" I said as I saw her come back from the chicken coop.

He nodded and walked off going to the RV. I walked over to Lori by the fire and offered her a peach. she smiled at me and bit into it. I bit into mine and started the conversation.

"So have you told Rick yet" I asked eyeing her reaction. she looked at me with a gilt face and I knew she hasn't yet.

"I think you should" I told her concerned about her health. She stayed quiet continuing with the fire. I sighed "its his baby to, you can't leave him in the dark" this make her look at me, but she then went back to the fire.

I heard Shane call Glenn and I over so I walked over there with one last glance at Lori.

When I got there glenn was giving everyone peaches and Shane his binoculars. Glenn grabbed my arm and dragged me away. "so what did Lori say" He said really fast. "Nothing, not a single word" I huffed.

Shane yelled asking us if we were going to help with the gun training. I told them I was going to stay and help out around here. Glenn on the other hand started to stutter.

"I uh, I'm going to uh, stay and work on spark plugs with uh, with dale" was his stutter. Shane rolled his eyes but got in the car anyway and drove off.

"Spark plugs huh" I heard dale say from behind us. "and helping out around here?" he said raising an eyebrow at me. "what's up"

I was about to say nothing when Glenn said "the barns full of walkers and Lori's pregnant"

My eyes widened and I looked at Glenn. I slapped him on the back of the head. "what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled glaring at him. "I told you I'm not a good liar" I rolled my eyes.

Dale just stared at us shocked.



A few hours later the group that went gun training came back. So did Shane and Andrea from there search for Sophia. sadly there was no luck with Sophia, but I think they scored in a different way. if you know what I mean.

Glenn had gone on a run with Maggie to get stuff for Lori. Apparently it was a close call because when they got back Maggie was pissed and started yelling at Lori, who was helping me with something, about it.

Glenn went to cool her off and Lori was almost in tears. I followed Glenn only to find him kissing Maggie so I slowly walked away smirking to myself.

So today had been a slow day. Well till I was walking the fence line in the field when I heard Rick and Lori screaming at each other about a baby.

Well I guess Rick found out.

Now Glenn and I need to tell the group about the walkers in the barn.

And I need to talk to Daryl.

Tomorrow should be fun.

New chapter!!!!

Sorry it's kinda short but this episode was kinda a filler so yeah.

And I wanna get to the next one.

But hope you liked it!

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Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl Dixon love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن