Chapter 19

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I was sat in Daryl's tent on his cot just staring at my blood soaked hands. I was sat with my feet on the ground. I looked up and saw Daryl watching me closely.

Here we are again. After the death of a family member, sat in his tent with tear tracks down my face and him watching me. The only difference is, I have blood on my hands and he pulled the trigger instead.


"Dale could get under your skin, sure got under mine." Rick said as we all stood around the freshly dug and filled grave next to the others.

"He wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt."

I stood at the end, next to Andrea. Daryl stood a few steps behind me, a little away from the group, but there. That's all that matters.

"That kind of honesty is rare, and brave." Rick continued, his shaky voice making his speech a little more sad, more meaningful.

I looked over that the man and his family and saw Carl crying, trying hard to be strong. I felt my own eyes betray me as I began to fight my tears back, but failed when one slipped through.

"When ever I would make a decision, I'd look to Dale. He'd be lookin' back at me with that look he had, we've all seen it one time or another."

I nodded and thought back to when Glenn and I told him about the barn. It wasn't that long ago, few weeks, but he had that look. I'll never forget it.

"We couldn't always read him, but he could always read us." He went on, drawing this out. My heart couldn't take much more.

"He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us, the truth, who we really are."

I felt Daryl's eyes watching me, making sure I was alright and wasn't going to break down. I felt comfort in this, it was a nice feeling, for I've only been feeling sadness for awhile.

"In the end he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this groups broken, or thought it at least." Rick gave me a glance and I looked down.

I was the one to say the group was broken, and Dale fully agreed with me. This group is broken, as we tried not only to kill a living person but try and 'figure out' what to do with him, we lost one our own. That's on us.

"The best way to honor him is to unbreak it." He continued but I kept my eyes fixed on Dales grave.

"Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Take control of our lives, our safety... Our future"

More tears feel and I wiped the away, refusing to let the others see them. Especially Daryl. He's seen it enough.

"We're not broken, we're gonna prove him wrong." Rick stated a lie and I closed my eyes.

"From now on, we're gonna do it his way." I looked up and saw Rick had a determined look on his face.

He wants to do this, he wants to prove to not only Dale but the rest of the group and himself that we're not broken. Or we can be fixed. To prove that Dale was right about him being a good man. A good leader.

"That, is how we honor Dale."


I know this is short but at least its something.

Its also a little thing for Dale's death, to draw this out a bit, and for the next chapter to have a bit more in it with out this in it.

So here ya go!!

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