Chapter 14

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"AHHH!" I screamed.
"Peek a boo, I've found you!" She laughed.

Then, we heard twigs snap behind the killer.
It was Abbie and Chloe.

"Ah, come to join us?! Nice to see you two! Abbie and Chloe, right?!" She asked, as she jumped out of the grave.

"Well, it's nice to see you two again. At least now I don't have to hunt you down!" She laughed.

"Fuck you!" Chloe exclaimed, in fear.
"Where's Lauren?!" She asked.

"Waiting for the police, so they can arrest your ass!" Abbie replied.
"Haha! Is that what's gonna happen?!" She replied.
"Yeah! Your Psycho ass is going to prison!" Chloe replied.

She began to walk closer to them, and I decided to get out of the coffin.

I climbed out of the grave, and saw my Dad and Karen behind the trees.
Dad signalled a 'shh' sign, and I listened to him.

"Mum! It's over, you're outnumbered! Just end it now! End the game! Because you'll get arrested, or in a grave like Brandon!"
"The game will end, when you're all dead in body bags!" She replied.

I wanted it to be over, but I wanted to protect my friends!

"I'm the one you really want. Not them! They're not even involved! Please, leave alone, and hurt me!"
"You can even have my gun!" I replied.

I pulled it out, and passed it to her.

"You must be fucking stupid to think that was a good idea!"
"I must be, but it's a risk I'm willing to take, to protect my friends, and keep them safe!"
She placed her chainsaw down into the grave.
She pointed the gun at me.
She then pushed open the church doors, and looked back at me.
"You really want the game to end?! Then get in there, NOW!"

She had me at gun point, so I followed her rules.
I walked slowly towards the church doors, and then walked inside, with mum following me.
She slammed the doors shut, and locked them.
"Finally, we're alone!"
"Yeah, we are, Mum!"

"Kieran, I have one more surprise for you before I shoot your brains out, and you'll never see it coming."
"What other surprises could you have for me? You just changed my life forever!"
"Trust me, this surprise is important!"

She pointed the gun at me, and was about to pull the trigger.

I backed away, and then started to run!
But as soon as I ran, I bumped into someone, wearing a black hoodie!
They stabbed me in the stomach, and threw me across the floor!

I was screaming in pain, as I held my wound!

"Is this the surprise?" I asked.
"Wait for it." She replied.

The hooded person walked over to me, pulled the hood down, and then removed their mask!

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

"Hello, Kieran!" Lauren laughed.
"No! You can't be!"
"I can, and it was fun!"

"You were in on this all along?! You were in her group?!"

"Yeah! I was. I was involved all the way through, even since last Halloween!"

"How? You were attacked too!"

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