Chapter 7

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The killer appeared, and began speaking with a distorted voice!

"Hello, my prisoners! You are all here for your acts last Halloween!"

Looking confused, Abbie & Chloe both asked "WHAT ACTS?!"

"They probably mean me and Lauren. You're probably here for leverage!" I replied.

"You're smarter than you let on, Mr. Prescott!" The killer replied.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Lauren asked!

"Very good question, in which I have the answer to! You see, last Halloween was a horrifying night...
"Yeah, NO SHIT!" I interrupted.

"Anyway, that night, you took something from me! You took my beautiful Brandon!"

They tried to make us feel guilty, but I saw past their game!


Then, the live feed went off, and we were in pitch black darkness again!

We huddled together, and suddenly, bright white lights shot on! We could now see where we were.
It immediately looked familiar, it took me a few minutes, but I knew where we were.

A door opened, and someone entered. It was the killer!

"Guys, stay together!" I shouted.

"I've waited SO long for this moment! Ever since Brandon died, I longed for my Revenge! I wouldn't do this, but you took my son!"

As all of this was happening, my Dad was racing around town, and met with his friends in town. "They warned me, and they did it. They've got Kieran and his friends, they're in mortal danger!"

Replying, they gave him good news. "Mr Taylor, please don't worry! We already have the highest people tracking his phone. We'll have word within the hour!"

"We don't even have a fucking hour! These people are evil! They want to hurt him because of his Survival last Halloween, which will be the anniversary in a few hours." He said, checking his watch.

"Nathaniel, we assure you, we will get him and his friends back to safety, before midnight tonight! Just stop worrying about all this, please!"

"I can't NOT worry, when his Mum died, I promised I'd look after -- him." He stuttered.

At first, Craig thought nothing of it, but then a theory pieced together in his head, a theory which could change EVERYTHING from "That Night!"

"Nathaniel, did you k---
Interrupted by a message alert on Dave's phone!

"Kieran's location has been confirmed, they're out at the Abandoned Warehouse in Newport."

Dad, instantly knew that place!

"Oh shit!" He mumbled.

"What is it?" They asked.
"It's that Warehouse. It's where mostly some of the events took place on Halloween last year! Kieran said he'd always be too scared to go back!"
"They must've taken them there to kill them, which should've happened "That Night", with no mistakes!
Maybe this, was the plan all along! To kill them at the Warehouse, without fail!" Craig replied.

And with that being said, they raced to the car, and drove to the location!


"So, are you Brandon's Mother, or Father?" I asked.

"If I told you that, I'd have to kill you!" The killer laughed!

October 31st - Chapter 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum