Chapter 10

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I was racing through the corridors.
They were in danger! I had to help them!
I pushed past groups of people.

'B' was making it clear that they weren't playing a game anymore!
They were changing the rules completely. I couldn't go to anyone, because 'B' made sure I couldn't.
I was on my own, and I had to finish this myself!

I raced to the school, doors, and smashed them open.
I ran to my car, and grabbed my keys from my bag.
I unlocked it and jumped in.

Teachers chased me out, but they weren't fast enough. I was already gone.
I drove away, manically.
I skipped stop signs, red lights and sirens.

I shot up my street. I pulled up outside my house, and jumped out of my car.
I grabbed my keys and ran up to my door.

I unlocked the door, and slammed it shut.
I was panicking. Everything was going wrong, it's like De Ja Vu.
Only this time, no-one was there to help me.
Abbie was still at school, and the police considered me crazy.
Then, my doorbell rang.
I ran to the kitchen, and grabbed a knife.

I was sweating, breathing heavily and shivering. I was experiencing the past, the worst past ever.

I walked slowly towards the door, and reached the handle. I clutched the knife in my hand, and pulled it open!

It was just a desperate sales-man and "cash-man."

"Hello sir. Would you be interested in selling unwanted objects for money?!"


"Are you sure? You could make a lot of money."
"I said NO! So get the fuck off my property before I call the police!"

He saw the knife in my hand, and ran off.
"Crazy bastard!" He shouted!
"Thank you! Asshole!" I replied.

I slammed the door and locked it.
I ran upstairs and into my bedroom.

If I was going to end this, I needed to be ready for the showdown!
It wouldn't be easy.
I couldn't just walk in and grab my friends, because it's not a possibility, If I was to rescue them, I'd need to kill them, kill them all! Not my friends though, the enemy! (For those who were confused by it.)

I shut my bedroom door, and opened my wardrobe.
I threw the clothes out, and pushed the back of my wardrobe open.
I walked inside, and found my hidden stash of protection. **No, not condoms. ;)**

It was my guns and knives, mainly the ones I'd gathered up from last Halloween.

I took my shirt off, and grabbed a bullet proof vest. I placed it on, and covered it up with a black shirt and leather jacket.
I grabbed a thing that goes over my waist, to store my weapons in.

I grabbed my pistol, which had more ammo than Cat's have lives.
I bought back-up ammo, just in case.
I grabbed the sharpest knife I have, which was my buck-120 knife.
I placed that in the knife holder, and covered it all with my shirt. It all blended in, because I was wearing black clothing.

I was prepared, but still scared as fuck.
I kept thinking, 'What if I don't survive? What if I die? What if they win? What if they're already dead?'

Then, I overpowered those thoughts with Joe strong I became to survive. If it was my final day alive, then I had to make it count!

I stood up, grabbed a torch too, because you never know, right?

I walked out of my room, and said "Goodbye", just in case.

I shut the door, and something felt odd.
I could feel someone watching me, even if no-one was there.

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