Chapter 6

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Chloe carried on limping and stumbling up the street, no-one seeming to want to help her. The man was chasing her through the street, trying to catch her. "SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed. She was thinking to herself, 'Why are people so god-damn ignorant to even help me?' She continued running and screaming, with the man following.

She turned a corner, and saw me across the street. She tried to shout my name, but I couldn't hear her, as my earphones were in, on full blast! She fell to the ground, and struggled to get herself back up. "KIERAN!! KIERAN!!! KIERAN!!!!" Chloe shouted. I couldn't hear her, but I was getting fed up of waiting for Lauren to turn up. I took my earphones out, so I could call her. But, I heard a girl screaming, behind me. I turned to see, Chloe being picked up. "Chloe?" I whispered to myself. "CHLOE?" I shouted. "KIERAN! RUN!!" She shouted, before being thrown in the van! I was startled by what I had seen, but the man had gotten in the van, to drive away! But before, I ran towards it! "CHLOE!!" The van drove away, leaving me panicking for Chloe! I grabbed my phone, and called Lauren. Her phone began ringing behind me, so I was relieved. "Oh Lauren, thank god..." As soon as I turned around, it wasn't Lauren. "Hello, Kieran!" He smiled. After that, everything went dark!

Meanwhile, my Dad, was at home. He was on the sofa, and his phone received a notification.
-It was a Text.

He picked up his phone, and read the mysterious Text.

'It's done. -B'

As soon as he read the text, he raced to the door, calling the police.
He opened the door, and ran towards town, to look for me. He instantly knew what the text meant, so he raced across town, to find me and my friends.

"We did good, brother." One of the masked men exclaimed. "So now what? Do we kill them, or take them to her?" "We do what we were asked to do. We drop them off!"
I was awake to hear everything, but looking at my friends, they all looked dead! But, what I was more curious about, is who's the 'her' they're on about? Is the new killer a female? Could it all be an act of revenge?

Then, the White, Large Van, came to a sudden halt. Myself and our friends, now all back to consciousnes, backed away whilst the doors were pulled open. "Hello, friends!"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US?!" Chloe shouted.
"Us? We want nothing. It's the boss who wants you!"
"Who's the boss?" Lauren asked.
"You'll find out, soon enough!" They laughed.

Then, a group of masked people came out, and yanked us out of the van! They threw us on the floor, lined us up next to each other.
"That's them. Bring them in!" A voice said on one of the phones.

Then, they started picking us up, but Abbie bit one of their hands, and punched them!

She began running, with people shooting at her! -They missed.

She ran towards the woodland, and screamed for help! Still wearing her hospital gown, she ran with bare feet, not caring about the sharp splinters or rose thorns stabbing her in the feet. Meanwhile, she was being chased by the same man she had punched in the face. "HELP ME, SOMEBODY PLEASE!!!" She pleaded. She continued running, hoping to find some way of escape and safety.
She fell on the ground, and hurt her ankle.
"AH! SHIT!" She screamed.

She heard the footsteps of the psychopathic man running towards her, so she crawled over  to a small hill with a bump, and hid in there, holding her mouth and ankle.
She began crying, as she saw the man's feet appear in front of her, still searching for her.

"WHERE ARE YOU, LITTLE BITCH?!" He shouted! She held her mouth, and refused to cry!

Meanwhile, we were still in a line, worrying about Abbie! "WHAT DO YOU WANT?! WHY ARE WE JUST STAYING HERE?" I asked.
"No-one goes in, until all prisoners are together!" The masked men answered!
"PRISONERS? FUCKING PRISONERS?!?!" I shouted. Then, one of them punched me. "DON'T YOU EVER SWEAR IN MY PRESENCE!"

While we were being held hostage whilst Abbie escaped, she was limping, but determined to escape and save myself and the others.
She heard noises of people and cars near-by, as she'd almost reached the town square.
She fell down onto the ground, barely able to walk anymore, but she HAD to get up, she had gone too far now to lose.

She pulled herself back up, and limped along to the end of the woodland.
She began screaming for help, but as soon as she'd managed to get through the trees, the masked man, grabbed her! They both fell on the ground!


He began laughing at Abbie's attempt to make him see sense.
She got him off her, and began running again!
Only this time, she wasn't lucky enough to escape.

One pull of a trigger, and EVERYTHING was over!

Birds jumped from trees, flying away from
the loud noise they feared.

He placed his gun back in his pocket, and walked over to Abbie.
Blood was cascading out of her back. She was crying and screaming for help!

"Not so gobby now, are you? This is a very pretty sight, seeing someone suffer." He laughed!

He knelt down next to her, and smiled.
"You and your friends, won't survive the night!"
And with that being said, he knocked her out, and ripped her top, tying her hands up.

He grabbed her up by her hair, and dragged her like rubbish, back to the place of fear.

"Chloe? Lauren?" I cried.
"Yeah?" They replied.

Stumbling my thoughts, I stuttered my words.

"I-- I'm s--or-- I'm Sorry."
After saying that, I hung my head down in sorrow, crying inside.

Then, in the background, we heard --

We turned around, it was Abbie!

I saw all the blood mixed with the leaves from the ground. She was crying and almost lifeless.

The man threw her onto the ground.

"Don't you FUCKING MOVE!" He shouted.
He kicked her in the bullet wound, before spitting on her.

Finally confirming that we were all here, the doors opened, and we were grabbed by the group from earlier.
They didn't even care about pain, they just dragged us, like we were toys or rubbish bags.

We were slung on the floor, and the doors were closed behind us! It was pure darkness, no scenery, no air, no background noises, just pitch black nothing!

Abbie was crying, whilst blood was STILL pouring out of her wound.
I crawled over to her, and held onto the bullet hole.
"You're okay! We're together again! Please don't let this be the end of you!"
Lauren exclaimed.

My phone remained in my pocket for all of that, so I pulled it out, and surprisingly had some signal.
"Guys, stay with Abbie, I'm gonna make a call."
"Okay. Please get us out of here!"
Chloe cried.
"I will. Don't worry!"

As I was going to dial, a flash of white shone out, and a screen appeared, with a live feed of the person who had killed Priya.

Was the killer finally about to be unmasked?

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