Chapter 2

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I was walking upstairs, and dad began to say "What do you want for..." But before he could finish, I slammed my bedroom door shut, and he continued quietly "Dinner?"
I threw my bag on my floor, and fell backwards on my bed. I grabbed my phone out my pocket, and felt it vibrate in my hand. (No jokes.)
It was a text alert! I unlocked my phone, and read the unexpected text message.
'Brandon played with dolls, I play with body parts. Game on, Bitch! -B'
I looked up from my phone, and ran to the window! I saw someone standing there, dressed in black, even with a black mask on, so you couldn't see their face! I got scared, but I wasn't gonna let it get to me, not after last year. I locked my window, pulled the blinds in and closed the curtains. I then placed my back against the wall, and slid down, beginning to cry. I placed my head in my arms, and curled into a ball. I was crying, because I was thinking about that night, and all the people I had lost. It was horrifying to see so many dead bodies in one day! I couldn't get the images out of my mind. Maureen getting gutted, Ms Hayes's dead body, Amelia's slashed, dead body, lying in the woods, dumped like rubbish! And my mum, taking her last breath, right in front of myself and Lauren!
The only good thing that happened that night, is I that I saved my bestest friend, who had always been there for me. I think 'that night', made Lauren stronger!
I got up off the ground, wiped my teary eyes, and lay back down on my bed, placing my earphones in my ears, and blasting Avril Lavigne for hours! I began to get sleepy, and about 5 minutes later, I began to fall asleep.

It was 11:00pm, and I had awoken from my phone ringing in my ears, as my earphones were still in. It made me jump and fall out of my bed.
I took my earphones out, and answered the phone call.
"Hello?" I said, half-awake. 
**No reply, just heavy breathing!**
"Hello? Who is this?" I asked, quite worried.
"I know what you did!" Said the voice. "Pardon?" I asked.
"I know what you did last Halloween!" The voice replied.
"What do you mean, what I did?! I survived a murder streak!" I answered, quite angry now.
The voice laughed at me.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Oh, you'll find out, soon enough! Just enjoy your life, oh and remember, I play with body parts!" He laughed.
I hung up, and threw my phone on the ground! I ran to the window, to see if the figure was there. I couldn't see anything.
I walked to my door, and pulled it open. I opened it to a shock. "Ah!" I screamed, as I saw my Dad standing outside my door! "Dad, you scared the shit out of me!" I shouted. "Sorry, Kie!" He laughed. "Wh..what are you doing out here?" I asked.
"I was just standing here, because I was guarding you!" He smiled. "Awe. Dad, you don't have to do that! I'm fine now, I'm slowly getting over Halloween night. I'm fine. Just knowing you're here, makes me feel protected. Just go and get some sleep, I'm fine, trust me!" I laughed. "Okay, night son. Love you!" He said. I hugged him goodnight, and we both walked into our rooms, after assuring him I was okay!
But I wasn't okay. I was scared. That phone-call had scared the shit out of me.
I grabbed my phone, and rang Lauren. She answered first time, and said "Hey, Kie. What's up?" "Lauren, I'm scared!" I answered. "Why? What's happened?" She asked, worried. "I don't wanna worry you, but I saw somebody earlier. He was watching me and my dad get out of the car, then later on, he was staring at my window. Then a few minutes ago, I got a call, and it was quite threatening and scary. I think that someone is gonna avenge Brandon, and get revenge on us for killing him!" I cried. "Wait, are you thinking this through? You think someone else is after me and you now?" She asked, confused. "Yes. The message, the figure standing there, the phone call. It's reminding me a lot of Halloween last year! I think it's happening again!" I exclaimed, worried! "Kieran, the phone call and text was probably some dickhead messing with you! There's a lot of idiots in this town. You've just gotta ignore it, okay?" She laughed! "Lauren, I can't ignore it. It has traumatized me! You were there, too. You saw what Brandon did! You saw what he was capable of. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but what if this was the person who killed Amelia?" I asked. "Kieran, you may be a bit paranoid. We both know that Brandon killed Amelia, and our other friends! Just ignore it, and sleep it off. Wake up nice and happy. Tomorrow is a new day! I'm going to bed, to fall asleep. You should too! Night, Kie!" She said. "Night, Lauren!" I replied.
I hung up, and placed my phone on the table, and plugged it in to charge it.
I lay down on my bed, and placed my quilt over me, and started to drift away. I began to fall asleep, and within minutes, I was snoring my head off.

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