I nodded in reply, and he gestured to the door, which I approached just as I had done many times before; reach out, inhale, and open the door.


"You again?"

I sat and stared at her face. My approach was no different than any other time, simply sit and watch. Her skin was paler than before, her sleek hair messier and less shiny, her lips drier and her eyes duller.

I blinked slowly and breathed out, letting go of all those barriers I had put up to separate myself, relaxing. I could feel everything about her now. She was tired, almost as if she had given up on her plight to defend herself. She felt disgust when she looked at me, and anger towards her restraints. She hated being here, in this room, in this place. She hated...well, what exactly did she hate? Was it me? The person watching us? Or was it herself?

I opened my mouth. "So we meet again."

"How unfortunate. What may I enlighten you with today?", she said bitterly and sarcastically, clasping her fingers and tilting her head.

"Actually, I figured I'd enlighten you," I said softly.

"Is that so?," she continued.

I nodded slowly. "Let's talk about him."

"Who? Richards? Ha, I'd almost forgotten. Did you finally catch him? I figured. So where's he now? Rotting in a cell, I'd hope."

"That's not who I'm taking about."

Her face froze and then fell slightly. Then she gathered herself and her expression, trying to combat my attempts.

"Let's talk about Kurt."

I felt her fear and anxiety rise up to the tip of my own gut, threatening to boil over. She averted her eyes and swallowed, and then looked back at me, masking it all with a false impression of confusion.


"Last time I spoke with you, I told you I would find who helped you, and I did."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"That you are right about." I said. She looked at me in actual confusion. I leaned slightly forward. "You see, it wasn't Kurt Matthews who helped you, it was him who you helped, wasn't it? Or, that's what you were led to believe."

I felt her fear again. She twisted her hands nervously in the cuffs. She shook her head ever so slightly. She doesn't want to be intimidated by me. But that's not what's scaring her.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I paused. "I think you know."

She didn't reply, just looked away.

"Rosette, you know me and you know what I can do. Trust me when I say that there's already evidence against you and denying it won't help. But what you can help me do right now is help me right the wrongs that you helped commit and maybe I can prevent the fate you have of being locked up from falling on someone who's innocent," I said. "He used you. You know that right?"

The Snapshot {An Agents of Shield Fanficton} [1]Where stories live. Discover now