Chapter 5

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Your POV

It's now the morning after the Camila-Lauren business, and Lauren hasn't stopped glaring at me since I came to the kitchen. For once, it's not attributed to her usual morning crankiness. And I can barely stop smirking at her.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning", Lauren's mom, Clara, notes to me while pouring herself a cup of coffee.

And just like that, my smirk drops right away. I turn around so Lauren doesn't see.

"Lauren, are you alright?", Clara asks her daughter. "You seem tense."

"I'm fine", Lauren answers with gritted teeth.

I crouch down on the floor to put my notebook for English in my backpack, then get up, open the fridge, pull out a carton of apple juice, and drink straight from it.

"Ew!", Lauren exclaims behind me.

And just like that, my smirk's back.

I stop drinking from the jug, put it back in the fridge, and wipe my mouth. Then I grab my backpack and walk to the door. Josh is coming early today.

"Leaving already?", I hear. It's my father, as he comes into the living room from the hallway. As usual, I ignore him and leave. I don't talk to him, either, or Clara.

Josh pulls up to the curb just as I step out the door. I rush over and get in.

"Good morning, Y/N!", he greets cheerfully, along with "Anarchy in the UK" playing through the speakers. "May I interest you in a breakfast burrito made by your chauffeur himself?"

"I am certainly interested", I say as I pick up the burrito sitting between us. "Seeing as I have yet to eat today."

"I suspected that would be the case", he responds while getting back onto the road. "How are you this morning?"

"I am well. How are you?"

"Doing good myself."

"You don't seem tired, so I'm guessing you didn't stay up all night writing a song or playing video games?"

"Nah. I'd like to graduate this year, so I'm planning to actually sleep on school nights."

"Who says we have to graduate? We can drop out now and be on Warped Tour within the next year or two."

Josh knows I've never been a fan of school, mostly because of the people.

"I'd like that", he says. "But we only have one year left. If we could go this long and survive, then we can tough it out for one more year."

"Yeah", I sigh. "I guess."

* * *

As usual, they day is boring. Also as usual, I don't wanna be here. At least I only have one class left.

"Y/N", Mrs. Jameson says as I enter the classroom. "Your seat is right over there." She points to the front of the room.

Dammit. She made a seating chart. I better not be next to someone annoying.

These are my exact thoughts as I trudge to my seat. I hate seating charts. Not because I'm being told where to sit, but because I'm being told who to sit next to. I don't care for most of the people I go to school with. I don't hate anyone except for Lauren and her friends, and no one else knows how shitty she treats me. Bottom line, I don't care for these people, so I don't wanna be forced to act like I do.

When I slump in my seat, I hear Mrs. Jameson say, "Ally, you're right next to Y/N."

That better not be Lauren's friend Ally.

"Excuse me", someone right next to me says.

Dammit, it is her.

Grudgingly, I scoot my chair forward and allow her to take her seat. When she does, I make a huge point of not looking at her. I look everywhere else, from my backpack while I'm getting my binder and pencil out to the whiteboard when I'm done. Anywhere but her direction.

When the bell rings for class to start, Mrs. Jameson tells us to take out a sheet of paper and write down our Warm-Up for the day. I don't waste any time writing everything down. After two minutes, her timer goes off, and she says, "Now discuss what you wrote with the person next to you."

Yeah, not happening.

But Ally starts the conversation, apparently oblivious to the fact that I have no desire to associate with her. I barely register what she says. When she finishes, I just slide my paper to her.

"You know you can talk to me, right?", she says.

I just snort. Yeah. Right. Talk to a friend of Lauren's.

"What's so funny?"

I just shake my head. She must not get it.

"Come on, tell me. What's so funny?"

Think about it for a second, Ally.

"Alright, fine. Don't tell me."

That's more like it.

"But it better not be like this the whole grading period", she continues.

I hate to disappoint you, sweetheart, but-actually, I don't.

"Okay, time's up", Mrs. Jameson interrupts.

After some class discussion on the Warm-Ups, we move onto the lesson. For this grading period, she says, we're going to be reading and analyzing a packet of Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches. She hands out the packets, and we read and annotate them until the bell rings.

Quickly, I grab my stuff and get up. For a brief second, my eyes glance upward to Ally while she puts her own stuff away. Her lips are pressed together, and her overall expression is grim-not an expression I'm used to on her. She's usually smiling. It actually unnerves me a little. So I walk away.

What could that be about? It sure isn't because I wouldn't talk to her-is it? Can't be. She's never cared one way or another if I talked to her.

You're overthinking this. Get over it. Think better thoughts. It doesn't matter to you anyway. At least, it shouldn't.

Eventually, I just shake my head and keep going.  

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