Chapter 1

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Your POV

Here I am. Another damn boring day. Another damn boring school year. What else is new?

Well, actually, quite a few things are new-the band is cranking out new songs like the Duggars crank out babies, my step sister becomes a tiny bit less of an asshole every week, my mom and I are finally able to talk again-but school-wise, nothing's different. Nothing ever is.

For example: every school morning, my jackass step sister, Lauren, goes to school without me (which isn't terrible; I don't want to drive with her, either, and my friend Josh usually drives me anyways) and struts around the quad with her equally jackass friends like she owns the place. It's been like that for as long as I can remember, and it'll be like that for the rest of the year until we graduate.

"Fucking bitch", I mutter to myself as she strides by with her clique.

"What did she do this time?", I hear.

I look over my left shoulder. Josh, one of my best friends and the drummer for our band, Hellmouth, is standing next to me.

"Nothing. She's just a bitch", I say with my teeth gritted.

"Don't worry about her", Josh assures. "She's just another ashhole that'll do anything for attention."

"That's exactly why I worry."

"You won't be worrying in a couple of years when she's sitting on her ass doing nothing and we're on Warped Tour."

"I sure hope so."

Much to my annoyance, the bell rings, signalling that we have five minutes before the start of first period. The crowds in the hallway barely move, and I have no desire to move either, so I stay put with Josh.

"So, I came up with some ideas over the weekend", he's saying as he begins to walk. "And I wanna go over them with you guys during lunch."

"Did you write anything?", I ask.

"Nothing worthwhile. I just had some ideas."

"Can't wait to hear 'em."

"So, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." I internally groan, because I really don't want to go to class. Talking about ideas for the band with Josh or one of our other bandmates is far more appealing than sitting in a chair for fifty minutes while listening to a teacher drone on coupled with other students being obnoxious assholes.

Nonetheless, I enter the room of my first period class and take a seat in the middle of the room, but closer to the back. As the room fills, I keep my eyes on the desktop, not bothering to look at anyone. I'm not shy or scared of anybody here; I just try to ignore everybody because I have no reason to pay attention to any of them.

And why wouldn't I? Really, though?  

Author's Note: And there's the intro to my new story, MakeDamnSure. Hope you enjoyed!

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