Chapter 3: Broken

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Written: 3/20/16

Date: 3/21/16

Words: 1,100

Quick A/N: Omg the feels.


Matt's POV 

I just couldn't handle it. He knew. I thought I could handle it, but I couldn't. I knew Jerome would act differently around me. So, would Mitch. Oh, Mitchell. 

I shook my head. Don't think about the past. It will just make things worse. 

I knocked on the door. Come on, open up, open up. 

Kenny opened the door. He smiled when he saw me. 

"Matt! How you doing, man?"

I felt my eyes water. No, not now! 

Kenny's smile fell. "Matt, what's wrong?"

"Mitch." I said, my voice cracking.

"Oh, Matt. Come inside. Come on." 

Kenny opened the door wider, and I walked in to the house. 

"Choco! We have a visitor!" Kenny called.

Oh, yeah. That's right. They're soulmates. (I honestly have no idea. It just works, so go with it.)

Choco ran down the stairs. "Who-"

He saw me, and ran up to me. He hugged me. 

"How's it going Matt?" He asked.

Kenny looked at Choco. "Choco, seriously? Can't you tell he's crying?" 

Choco looked at me. "Oh... What happened?"

"Mitch." Kenny said.

Choco's face turned from happy and excited to serious. "Oh geez."

Mitch was like a code word to them. Both of them knew about how Mitch was my soulmate, but I wasn't his. They helped me get through it when it first happened. I trusted them. I just hoped they could help me now. I'm pretty sure I was too broken though.

Kenny sat me down on a couch. Choco grabbed my suitcase and backpack, and brought them upstairs. Kenny sat down next to me, and we waited for Choco to come back. When he did, they were silent for a moment.

"What happened, Matt?" Kenny asked softly.

I took a deep breath. "I told him."

Choco looked shocked. "You told him? Does that mean it didn't go well?"

I shook my head. "It went fine. Mitch was ok with it. Well, at least he didn't start screaming at me or anything. I just couldn't handle the pain. He found his soulmate guys. And I'm not his soulmate. I couldn't handle it. So, I ran. I told him yesterday, and I ran in the middle of the night. I couldn't bear the thought of him looking at me differently."

"Matt." Kenny said.

I looked up at him. 

"I'm sorry this happened to you." He said.

"I wish I could change it. I really wish I could." I said.

"Matt, I know it hurts. We were there when you first found out about Mitch. We helped you then. We're going to help you again." Choco said.

I smiled weakly. "Good luck. I'm like broken glass. I have so many shards everywhere, I don't know where all the pieces are." (Omg the feels. I am so sorry guys. I'm dying too.)

"We will do anything and everything to help you Matt. You deserve to be happy." Kenny said seriously.

"Here, you said you ran in the middle of the night Matt? Why don't I show you to the spare bedroom, and you can rest. Your stuff is already in the room." Choco suggested. 

I nodded my head. "I am tired."

"Come on then." Choco said.

He led me to the spare bedroom. I feel asleep almost instantly. Let's just hope my dreams aren't full of him...

Kenny's POV

Choco came back from showing Matt the spare bedroom. He sat down next to me, and sighed.

"What are we going to do, Kenny?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know, Choco. I honestly don't know. He's broken. It's going to take a long time to fix him."

Choco looked at me. "Should we tell Mitch where he is?"

I thought for a second, then shook my head. "No. It would hurt Matt more. We can't risk having him be broken more. I've never seen him be broken this bad before. I don't know how we're going to do it."

Choco sighed, and leaned on my shoulder. "We'll figure out a way. We always do. No matter how long it takes, we will help him. You were right, he does deserve to be happy."

I leaned my head on Choco's head. "Why does life have to do stuff like this? It just hurts people. I feel so bad. I can hardly do anything though."

"We'll figure out a way. We always figure out a way." 

I sighed. "I hope you're right."

Matt's POV 

I woke up, gasping. Dang you, Mitchell. You had to haunt my dreams, didn't you? Thanks for that.

The dream- no nightmare, didn't have anything extremely bad. No, I take that back. It was horrible. It had Mitch and Jerome, mostly Mitch. He loved him, he moved on from me. He forgot about me. I was nothing. Nothing.

~~~Trigger Warning~~~

I grabbed it from my backpack, and walked to the bathroom. Just one, just one. That's all I need.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck. I laughed. An empty laugh. How interesting that one person could do this to me. Oh life, got to love it sometimes. You also have to hate it.

I brought the blade to my wrist, and contemplated it. I brought the blade against my skin. One for Mitchell. It stung a little bit, but for a second, just a wonderful second, all the pain went away.

I put the blade down. No matter how much I wanted to do it again, I didn't. I couldn't do that to Kenny and Choco after everything they're doing for me. 

I washed the cut, and just stared at it. I haven't cut in so long. I thought I would never do it again. I guess I was wrong.

I picked up the blade, and washed it. I put it back in my backpack. Just in case, just in case. 

I wonder what Kenny and Choco would say if they found out. Well, let's just hope they don't. 

I looked back at myself in the mirror. I didn't see myself, just a broken human being. A broken human being that was probably never going to be fixed. A broken human being that would never survive long in this cruel, cruel world.


I'm so close to crying. I have no comment. I'm sorry, it was to happen for the story though. I'm so sorry. By the way, I have never cut. I just read a lot of fanfictions. So, don't worry about me. I'm just going to go now, I'm sorry.


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