It's all over

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Hello ExtremeYaoiShipper here! As you can guess from my name I ship Yaoi ^.^. Anyways enjoy the story, I've had it stuck in my head for awhile.

1. I know Hinata is nice and shy, that's why I like her, but I had her cheat in this story because it just doesn't seem right have Naruto cheating and the story would make more sense if they didn't get together.

2. Naruto has given up on his job of Hokage, I just put it where he didn't want to do all the paperwork and he's tired of fighting and just wants to live a life where he doesn't have to worry about stuff like another war.

3. Kurama and him are going to be TALKING ALOT in this story. If you don't like Kurama then you might want to get out. And if you don't like Yaoi, then you definitely wanna get out.

I guess that's it, so have fun reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

'What now?' Naruto thought as he sat on top of the Fourth Hokage's statue head, his father to be exact. He had been wondering that more recently, what now? Five months earlier, Naruto had caught Hinata cheating on him with Kiba. A week from their wedding too.

It seemed unearthly to him and he sorta just fell into a depression. He had immediately called off the wedding and locked himself in his apartment, only coming out to grab food or go to the graveyard to mourn his lost family and friends. Several people had come over to cheer him up, heck even Kakashi quit doing paperwork to come give him encouragement. It still hurt, though. Your first love cheating on you is always hard. Naruto didn't interfere between the obvious lovebirds, though. If Hinata was happy, then Naruto supposed it was okay that she left him for Kiba.

After all, wouldn't he just find someone else to love him? Right. Naruto wrapped his arms around his knees and pulled them closer to his chest. The sun was setting, when Naruto felt a familiar chakra signature approach him. Naruto didn't give any indication that he knew someone was behind him as the person came up and sat next to him.

"Shouldn't you be doing paperwork?" Naruto asked softly, almost to soft for the person next to him to hear. Naruto had been looking out over the village, but he had turned his head to look at the person next to him. "Kakashi-sensei."

"Maybe," The copy-Nin replied, draping a arm over his leg, lazily. "But When am I following the rules? I'll just leave the paperwork for any unlucky soul who's Hokage after me."

Naruto sweat dropped when Kakashi gave a evil giggle and eye-smiled at him. Naruto always knew his ex-sensei was a sadist. Naruto shrugged that thought off as he turned his head back to look out at the village, Kakashi doing the same and they sat in a comfortable silence.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked finally, Naruto understanding the underlined meaning. 'Did it still hurt?'

"No, but I will be," Naruto spoke, giving his ex-sensei a lopsided grin before his face relaxed into a soft expression. 'Yes and it always will, but I'll live.'

Kakashi stood up and offered the blond a hand, "Come on. It's getting late and we better get some sleep."

Naruto took the hand and gave Kakashi a small smile before replying, "Yeah. See ya around, Kakashi-sensei."

"You know you don't have to call me sensei anymore, right?" Kakashi asked, eye-smiling at his favorite blond.

"Of course, but it feels weird not calling you sensei," Naruto gave a shrug and turned to walk away. "See ya!"

Naruto walked the rest of the way home, letting his thoughts wander as Kakashi did the same. Kakashi had paperwork to do and Naruto had a decision to make.

Hwweeoo. I hope you liked this chapter! Can you guess what Naruto is trying to decide? Probably. Anyway, see you! Ciao. Au revoir. Salut. Bye in every other language. ^.^


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