Chapter 8

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We barely reached the gates when we were finally surrounded by them. All sharp blades were pointed right through us and there is no room for questionings. We were bounded in shackles immediately in the same fashion like when we were first taken out of the chamber. Ariz was held captive in a different way though. His hands were tied to a chain behind him and he was with separate guards.

“Ariz of the West Empire, what have we here? We heard the news of the ruckus you have created. Are you not supposed to do the bidding of your superiors? Well you’ve been kind enough though to come to us” the one who spoke to him said this with the utmost gentleness which astonished me. Yet this seems to have no effect on Ariz who looked at him in the eye with nothing but contempt, or is that mock pity? He didn’t say anything at all though except for a request that they be gentle to us as much as they can, then they led him onwards as we follow their treads.

Ariz was struggling to look at us as all of us three were focused on him for some sign. He gave us a slight nod that could’ve said it will be fine. I know we’ll be separated now as he has told us but I believe he’d find us one by one. We walked further more towards the yawning mouth of the tower and we were led to a dark passage going down. Ariz was no longer in sight.

We then passed through prisons carved into the walls like cave chambers. There were sad souls inside, all still pulsing with tortured lives. The foul smell already felt normal to my senses to even be bothered with it. Through the torchlight, I tried to make sense of the surroundings and what seemed to be inside each prison. I was hoping to see Cerise from one of those.

I didn’t see her even until we were thrown one by one into our own prisons. It was exhilarating. I couldn’t see now what would happen to us next, but then the guards soon came back and brought us food. It was composed of thin soup in wooden bowls and one piece of bread each. I was alone in my small chamber but I could see Lotuz in a nearby chamber and Mina just across mine. I don’t have the stomach this time to eat but I know I’ll need all the strength I could get so I started to drink the soup which is still warm and surprisingly tasty. The bread is good as well. I felt rejuvenated afterwards. I seek the corner of the chamber and in there I struggled to sleep.

Again I dreamt. This time I was chasing Lune. He was again laughing at me like I was a fool. Then I saw the woman lying before me. She lies dead with her bosom opened in a hideous wound. Her eyes were open and the dead stare belongs to me. Her silver hair was arranged in ringlets just down her shoulders and there was a gash on her throat. Lune was standing before me with blood splattered on his hair and face. His hands were soaked in the woman’s blood.

“You know her don’t you? But look, you almost have the same face if not because of the eyes of your father” I heard him say in an inexplicable tone. Again, I wanted to hit him but as I tried to reach out for him I saw my own bloody hands…and his was radiantly clean!

Then I woke up to the echoing sound of someone humming a soft tune. I went near the bars and I could see Lotuz peering through as well. His eyes were agitated and he was saying something to me. I tried to read his lips. Cerise!

Yes, that sounded like the voice of Cerise. She used to hum many times while we were in the chamber and Lotuz couldn’t be wrong about it. He had watched over her like a brother. I could see that Mina is also paying attention to it. Then the humming stopped even before we could distinguish where it was coming from. It is clear though that she was with us in that cursed dungeon. The silence was once again laid down before us. It was Lotuz who first retreated to his dark corner. I could tell he was heartbroken. I soon retreated as will to the corner where I have laid and again there came the familiarity of my dream. I thought I must have thought of Lune that much for him to always appear to be my tormentor. Soon enough, I know we’ll see each other once more. For now, I had to think of Cerise alive and that we could all leave safely.

The second sleep I had was dreamless and I was thankful of it. The dungeon now seemed alive. There were footsteps and conversations outside the chamber and since what separated us from outside are bars, I could see them plainly. These were angels with much simpler armor. Still, they wore the sword crest I’ve seen from the soldiers outside. These were gate keepers and prison guards. I daresay none of them wear not physical beauty like they ought to have. He must have loved them I thought.

“Yes, she must truly be an angel with that voice. How’d it be like to just have her sing for us?” I heard one told his companions. I paid attention and listened carefully.

“Hah! But you know that wouldn’t be possible and do not be lured by songs. You know how powerful it is right?” the other one said which sent the group into a humorous fit of laughter.

“I wonder why they didn’t bring her to the arena. She might’ve looked like a princess as she fight for all to see”

“Jharus picked her especially for the entertainment of the tower. It was too bad that her hair was almost burnt out when she tried to jump at him with a torch. She had definitely made him mad. Oh if you had only seen how she struggled to get away from his grip. She was helpless like a kitten” this angel almost said it in a sorrowful remark.

“Snap out of it. That so-called innocence in them is the more reason for us to destroy them and you know that”

“Yes of course. But her hair was just so beautiful like her mother’s mane of wine”

“ahh….but she isn’t one of us. Her red hair just betrayed us does it? Imagine our comrade going down with this mortal and to let her conceive another red-headed half-angel.”

The conversation went on in neither mockery nor judgment. Everything was all matter of fact. I knew then that they were talking about Cerise. I tried to listen for more. I wanted to know more about us.

“I wonder when will they stop the tortures and just destroy them all instantly. It could be tiring to linger around here hearing their cries and squabbling like we were all demons”

“Well we cannot complain. We cannot make such opinions as well. But you are right; the annihilation must be made quickly. If they stay alive much longer I don’t know what would happen. Have you heard about the on-goings in the Western Empire? They were all mad. Well they have the son of a high rank angel and they have kept him, as a prisoner though, and I believe he got all the sufferings he could get but lo! They don’t realize the danger of it”

“What do you mean?”

“I believe the kid had learnt his own capability. And what more, I heard they’ve been letting him drink the blood of demon as part of their sports” with this there was a look of disgust in his face. The conversation ceased but I wanted to hear more. I was wondering who they were talking about, the son of a high rank angel. Will they do the same to Cerise, or to us? I couldn’t imagine the taste of blood flowing through my mouth, better yet, demon’s blood. This thought made me sick in the stomach. Since then, I always eat the food they’ve been giving us cautiously. I couldn’t be picky in my situation but I thought I might as well be.

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