Vespers (Fields of the Nephilim: Interlude)

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"I scarcely remember the face of my mother and I don't remember having a father as well, that's the pain of it. I knew then the feel of fresh air breathing into my mortal skin and that I knew the beauty of each sunrise but these were all like an ephemeral dream. It was like a hazed memory of who I was but never really been. I didn't know when or how these memories stopped. It could be the night when my mother tucked me in to bed and I've heard the noise from outside my window. It could be the night when I was trying to creep into my mama's bed to sleep for I was afraid of the boogeyman and that I saw her silver ringlets of hair damped in wet red. I really didn't know. I prayed to my guardian angels at night and I believe they have taken me because I was a good boy. Of course, I really believed then that I was good and my angels truly loved me.

Perhaps it was all a folly. I never thought they're always there to seal my fate. It was not a good fate I believe, and soon I'd break through it. I have my own purpose and I'll find it. Surely, dying soon enough in the hands of my guardian angel is not one. Well I remember my guardian angel. He was there standing by the foot of my bed as I was saying my last bedtime prayer. He was cloaked in shadows with only the moon to let me see his silhouette. It was all a folly.....

The story thus begun."

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