Chapter 6

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“And where are you supposed to go now? Will you continue living after all you’ve learnt and suffered? Or have you really suffered enough?” It was the voice of Lune. It could only be him though I couldn’t see his face. His back was towards the bright sun that all I could see was his shadow and the blinding light. Yet this shadow was fading, going farther away from me. I think I heard my own voice yelling at him not to leave.

“You are arrogant yourself, aren’t you?” his voice kept on mocking. Then I saw Mina’s figure beside me. She was only smiling like she used to. In her chest was a dangling necklace of a black feather as if trapped in a crescent moon glass. Such a beautiful pendulum, until it slowly drew blood like it was a wound. I was horrified as I looked closer. The blood soaked Mina’s chest. It was like a thousand petals of tiny red roses in bloom. Now I couldn’t see Mina’s face, only the droplets of blood and the necklace swinging in slow rhythm. I heard Lune’s laughter inside my head.

“Love doesn’t need to exist here Cien. What are you going to do now?” then I stood face to face with him in that blinding light. He still wore that apathetic expression and his green eyes were burning more brightly than ever. I was utterly desperate in finding Mina and I realized I was clinging on to her white dress. The blood was still there and the necklace was already worn by Lune. With a smile, he disappeared with the sun and I was left in the darkness calling out Mina’s name.

And Mina was there when I opened my eyes. My neck was damped and I was sweaty all over. It was a dream and I thought maybe it was because I had too much talk about Lune. Mina helped me up like I was still sick from the fever. Her eyes were reflected with worry.

“You’re dreaming….”

“Yes, it was a bad dream. It was actually the first dream I had since I could remember” I said. My eyes lingered subtly into her chest and there I saw the crescent moon pendant with the black feather inside. It was tied to a black string and might have been hidden inside her dress all throughout. 

Lotuz was already preparing the food which is a good supply of rye bread, dried fruits and some nuts. There was some of the roasted yam left from last night. Ariz also produced another flask of the liquid which angels always bring with them as I’ve noticed. Only one candle was lit up this time to avoid anyone noticing us from the outside. Ariz kept watch while we ate. Afterwards, we all got ready to leave. We left nothing from the cabin, not even one drop of wax from the candle in case any of our pursuers would pass by.

“Where then are you taking us?” I asked Ariz, suddenly with a flick of suspicion I never thought once that I’d have. By then, we were passing nothing but valleys of rocks and dry rivers and we’ve been walking endlessly for like hours. It took him time to finally answer yet I tried hard not to build up my doubt. Then he sighed and stopped his own tracks and faced us.

“I honestly don’t know. If you remember, I acted on impulse and what I only knew is that I need to get you out of the arena. I really did not plan any of these. Once we get off this place then we’ll figure out something. We have to keep moving, it is not yet safe” then again he started walking more briskly as we followed.

“Hey, tell us about this place by the way? This couldn’t be hell as what I have perceived once” Lotuz seemed to be in a good mood as he skipped from rock to rock. It’s as if he doesn’t feel the danger of our situation, and that we were wanted dead or at least deprived through their power.

“And what do you know about hell by the way, the burning sulfur and the pits of agony? Well you don’t have to open your eyes to see what hell is like. You can actually just feel it in any way you want to” Ariz answered without looking back.

“But I still don’t get it. We are in Gehenna, and where exactly is Gehenna?” Lotuz went on with his childish curiousity. I kept my mouth shut but I too would like to know.

Vespers (Fields of the Nephilim: Interlude)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon