Chapter 1

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That was the first thing that came to me when I opened my eyes. It was like a steel hand gripping at my whole being as I face the vast darkness of that cold prison. I felt dizzy and completely alone. I wanted to scream and yet letting out nothing but miserable moans of agonizing pain. I sat there for a long moment, touching the icy cold stone floor until came that faint glow of light, a candle in the hand of a fair being who beckoned for me to come closer as he started whispering hastily behind the bars. He looked more afraid than I am. I could feel it. I could almost taste it as his eyes moved frantically around, scanning each dark corners.

“Listen. You must listen to me. Come my beloved one. You must flee from here!” he said in a hushed yet urgent voice.  How can this voice sound so sweet and pleasant despite the obvious horror? I mused. Slowly I crept and held on to the bar with both hands so I could face him, delighted with the warmth of the lone candle. I studied his face curiously. I studied his long black hair combed sleekly behind his back, the thin lips uttering curious words, the moonlight gray eyes looking terrified with all its splendid glory, and yes, the pair of white wings behind him which suddenly looked monstrous to me.

“Do not be frightened by me my child…” perhaps he had sensed my shock so he cringed to the bars almost desperately begging me to hasten and lend him an ear, to trust him. The wax from the candle already formed a small pond of white on the floor. By then, my senses have finally cleared better, enough to pay more attention to what was going on and to what’s about to come.

“They’re going to kill you if I don’t let you escape from here now” he said absent-mindedly as he was fumbling inside his pocket for the key he’d stolen from the sleeping guard nearby whose presence I haven’t felt or seen until then. I should’ve moved then but the first word finally escaped my lips.


Again, his beautiful eyes landed into mine. “Because you are my child”. It was a whisper worth remembering. Finally, I heard the soft creaking sound of the metal door which separated us being opened. I felt his soft icy-cold hand against mine as he gently dragged me out of that cold prison.

He led me through the dark path carefully to avoid any noise. This path, I couldn’t quite describe for its darkness or probably due to the haze which still clouded my memory. I could still recall the stink though; it was like the putrid smell of damp earth and burning flesh.

We’ve been walking for like forever through a maze until finally we halted as we came to a clearing where he led me through a rocky cliff to see down below. I haven’t the chance to look back at where we came from. It was just a looming shadow behind us. Probably, it was a cave at the foot of the mountain. I was confused and at the same time enthralled upon what I saw as I crept beside my companion who was now looking down below the cliff.

With the bright red moon towering from above, I could see them plainly. They were garbed in the same white armor-like clothing of this same being that had saved me out of my cell. They have the same majestic stature, same radiance, and yes, the pair of white feathered wings. They don’t seem to notice us for we were concealed by the shadows of rock and mere fog. They were laughing in merriment and tossing to barrels of what could be wine and heap of fruits like a feast was laid before them. Their wings proudly dancing in the midst of all the seeming gloom were enticing. It was then I noticed my own shadow before me.

My eyes grew frantically wild. I looked at him. Questioning….”what are we?”  My blood seems to shot right up to my brain while his beautiful face remained calm. Kahel. It’s as if I’ve read his name through his serene expression.

“Think and tell me what you remember” he said. I tried to comprehend yet everything is rushing into me like a swirl of thousand colors and emotions or even memory. I blurted out what I thought was all nonsense.

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