“What? Why?” she said , her own facing turning red. “ I’m not a baby anymore daddy I am SIX YEARS OLD!” she yelled stamping her feet.  “YOU CAN’T MAKE ME STOP FROM SEING JOE! WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED.”


Both me and Jessie stayed perched on the couch watching the father –daughter debate.

“YOU CANT MAKE ME!” Lyla yelled back. Her blond curls sticking up , her cheecks flushed red and her blue eyes now very stormy. They were nearly black. She glared up at her dad and stormed upstairs.

“ I don’t like you anymore!” she sad when she reached the top. We heard a door slam. Jake winced and let out a sigh.

“Jake c’mon your taking this way too seriously” Jessie said smiling

“ No I am not. That is my little princess. My jewel and my heir. I refuse to let anyone take her away from me.”

“Jake she is only five.  They are kids. It’s not that serious.”


“No but, now go make up with your daughter.  I refuse to hear your whining tonight.”

“Find.” He said making his way upstairs. “And I don’t whine” he said over his shoulder.

“Wow, that was entertaining.” I said chuckling. “She may have inherited your angelic look, but she definitely got her father demon personality.”

“Yup, that’s why he will be the one scolding and I will be the one cuddling.” She said mischievously. “ Anywho , here, Ana asked me to give you this.” She handed me over an envelope with my name written on it. She pulled me from the couch and dragged me to the door. “ come on lover boy, it is time for you to go.”

“What, why?” I asked stunned. 

“Open the envelope and you’ll see.” She said pushing me out the door. “By the way, good luck.” She said before slamming the door in my face. I shook my head and made my way down the step opening the envelope.

                   Meet me at this address @ 6

                                                     Xoxo Ana.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was four. Luckily I had changed before coming to Jake and Jessie’s so I didn’t have to go get ready. I got in my pearly black 2012 Audi A6. I loved my new baby. She was beautiful and she ran smoothly. I put the address in the built in navigator and made my way to the meeting place. Something told me that things between Ana was about to change. I wasn’t sure if it was for good or bad. I was hoping it was for good.

It has been four hours since I left Jessie and gave her the letter to give to Dima.  I hoped everything went as well as I had it planned. 

“Ana are you sure you wanna do this?” Cara asked with worry written all over her face.

“Yes I am sure. I want to do this. I need to do this.” I said nodding at her.

“But what if he doesn’t react the way you want him to?” she asked following me to Tria’s room.

“If that’s the case, I will let him go knowing that I gave this my all.” I said making sure that everything in the room was in its place.  “ Cara I understand and appreciate the fact that you care so much, but please trust me on this. Dima is a great guy, he will understand and he will stick by me.” I said making my way to her.

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