White Wolf

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I ran through the snow, white as clouds beneath my paws,

Hot wet steam poured from my gaping jaws.

My pelt glistened in the moonlight like a silver cloak of fur,

My ears perked up, in the bushes something began to stir.

A white wolf stepped out, her gaze matched mine,

Eyes that glistened and were as green as pine.

I trotted to her, tail low and ears back,

Hoping she wasn't yet in another pack.

White wolf looked at me, her head high, stiff and still,

Cold wind blew through the tall trees and made the air chill. 

She approached me and licked my muzzle,

I returned her affection with a gentle nuzzle.

We ran off together and into the night,

My gray coat lightly brushing her white.

We laid down in the snow, the sky above us pitch black,

I realized soon we'd bear our own pack.

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